Unit 44’s Summer Fun Continues!

Unit 44 men enjoying a delicious breakfast and some excellent conversation, clockwise around the table: Spike Razem, Mike Stepien, Rick Labasky, Bob Olson, Doug Kirkpatrick, Steve Rustman, and Mark Eichkorn. (Photo by Sabrina, our favorite and most efficient Eagle’s Nest restaurant server.)
Spike Razem
Although this past month’s activities in PebbleCreek were affected by the 100+ degree heat, several inconvenient monsoon storms, and many snowbird residents vacationing in cooler locations, several Unit 44 neighbors were still able to get together for some fun. Events included a Ladies’ Lunch on July 12 (second Tuesday of the month), Tuscany Pool Parties on July 20 and 27, Ladies’ Coffee at Portofino’s on July 27 (last Wednesday each month), and Men’s Breakfast at Eagle’s Nest on Aug. 3 (first Wednesday each month).
August activities included another Tuscany Pool Party on Aug. 17, which featured relaxed cool-down floating in the pool and, of course, Ed’s Dogs refreshments—good food at good prices.
September brings back the return of a few snowbird residents along with the restart of our Unit 44 DOTD’s (Drinks On The Driveway).
So, let’s now begin to think about the summer ending and the fall fun starting—hooray!
Christmas in July

Front row: Debbie Forte, Dale Scanlon, Sharon Pucelik, and Janelle Watts. From the far left: Marilyn Coates, Laurie Wyman, Cathe Pruyn, Julie Greenbank (hostess with the mostess), Jackie MacKenzie, Barb Downey, Jackie Bachmann, Renee Fisher, Janet Henson, Pat Gonzales, Sheryl Lipp,
Joanne Wrout, and Lynn Banks.
Toni Erickson
The ladies of 62A enjoyed Christmas in July at the beautifully decorated home of Julie Greenbank. Each lady brought five gifts specifically purchased from the Dollar Tree store. Each wrapped gift was accompanied by games which determined the order and selection of opening the gifts. The merry night was topped off with Christmas Cosmos!
Unit 62A July Ladies’ Lunch
Toni Erickson
A yummy lunch was enjoyed by the Unit 62A ladies at the Vogue Bistro, located in Surprise just up the 303. The ladies escaped the heat and got a chance to catch up in the cool surroundings of the restaurant on July 28. A very special acknowledgement goes out to Jackie Bachmann for her years of volunteering on the social committee, as well as welcoming in Laurie Wyman, who will follow in her footsteps. The diners were Cathe Pruyn, Jackie Bachmann, Jackie MacKenzie, Patti Trapp, Judy Meservey, Janelle Watts, Julie Greenbank, Barb Downey, Sheryl Lipp, Joan Ausman, and Laurie Wyman.