Tag: Republican Club

Republican Club Features the Return of Shane Krauser

Patricia Moore, President Always a club favorite, Shane will present an exciting free 4-hour event “The Second Amendment in Action.” It’s an interactive course like no other, covering legal issues, real-life scenarios, and audience participation. As a former prosecutor, Shane brings us his real-world experience, explains exactly what the Founding Fathers intended, and why we need the…

Republican Club Hosts Two Favorite Congressmen

Patricia Moore We are back from our summer hiatus and will start off our fall season with a bang! We are excited to welcome our own congressman, Representative Paul Gosar, as well as another one of our favorite congressmen, Representative Matt Gaetz. Together, they will help us kick off this special fall meeting. Congressman Gaetz…

Republican Club Hosts James T. Harris

James T. Harris, host of The Conservative Circus, is coming to PebbleCreek. The PebbleCreek Republican Club is proud to present media personality James T. Harris, who will be sharing his irreverent political and personal views of important issues of the day. The Conservative Circus is on News Talk 550 KFYI each morning from 6 to 10 a.m. The show…

Republican Club Members Challenged at the May Membership Meeting

Sheila Snyder “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite.”—President James Madison, 1809-1817 Challenged by guest speaker, Randy Miller, Director of Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association of Arizona, to become more knowledgeable of the…

Republican Club Launches the New Year!

Camille Grabb Happy New Year, Americans! On Jan. 5, the PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) welcomed 2023 with its newly elected President, Patricia Moore introducing Matt Klyszeiko, Manager of Planning for the City, who presented a step-by-step and year-by-year outline of the City of Goodyear’s 10-Year General Plan. Our city’s growth is a “hot topic” as…

The Election Road Winds Through PebbleCreek!

Camille Grabb The road to the 2022 Midterm Primary Election on Aug. 2 continues to wind through PebbleCreek! Many candidates and their staffs continue to visit with Republican Club members, seeking valuable required signatures on their petitions (often thousands needed) to have their names placed on the Primary ballot. The signature deadline, April 4, is…

Republican Club April Happenings

Camille Grabb Back by popular demand, author Larry Schweikart will be the guest speaker for the club’s spring picnic on April 7. Dr. Schwikert, an American historian, will be introducing (and signing) his latest book, Dragonslayers (Six Presidents and Their War with the Swamp). Also, on April 12, club members will be boarding a bus…

The Republican Club Goes Back to the Classroom

Camille Grabb School daze … School daze… On Feb. 3, the Tuscany Falls Ballroom turned into a classroom as the Republican Club members welcomed the four primary Republican candidates for state superintendent of public instruction. As background, when PebbleCreek residents talk education, they include the Agua Fria Union High School District and the Litchfield Elementary School…

Candidates Meet with Republican Club Members

Camille Grabb Month by month, the 2022 primary and general election year is already gaining more momentum as the many announced GOP candidates make visiting with the PebbleCreek Republican Club members a top priority. On Jan. 29, the club’s members gathered in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom to hear from two candidates. Karrin Taylor Robson, candidate for governor, spoke…