Tag: PebbleCreek Community Church

PebbleCreek Community Church Winter Fellowship Dinner

Katherine Gibson Pastor Nate served as the Master of Ceremonies for the Winter Fellowship Dinner celebrating the 30th anniversary of the church. The theme of the evening’s events was Reflections & Connections—A Look Back. Attendees enjoyed a delicious dinner and were entertained by musicians and a photographic slide show. Over 225 pictures shown on a…

PebbleCreek Community Church – April 2024

Batter Up! Katherine Gibson On March 5, the PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) Fellowship Committee sponsored a church event at the pre-season baseball game between the Cleveland Guardians and the Seattle Mariners at the Goodyear Ballpark. This exciting event was one of the most popular Fellowship events held in several years. The Fellowship Committee sponsors several…

PebbleCreek Community Church Gratefully Recognizes Deacon Board

B. Brown Greetings for the new year! It’s the perfect time of year to acknowledge people’s accomplishments, so we at PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) want to highlight a group known as PCCC Deacons. Every denomination of church may have a different definition and list of responsibilities for a “deacon.” From the Greek diakonos, the translation is simply “helper.”…

Celebrate Christmas with PebbleCreek Community Church

Katie Croy PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) is excited to invite our friends and neighbors to join us during the Christmas season for a variety of musical events scheduled in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Our plans to celebrate the holidays with the entire PebbleCreek community include a Christmas Cantata titled “An Old-Fashioned Christmas,” which we hope will lift your…

PC Community Church Supports Operation Christmas Child 2023

Edna DeFord It’s “Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Time” again at PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC). Specifically designated GO (Gospel Opportunity) Boxes for this program have been designed and provided by Samaritan’s Purse. At this time of year, we are busy filling up these shoe boxes to send to children in 110 different countries around the…

New Bible Studies Available in Autumn

Mary McFarland The return of snowbirds to PebbleCreek signals the regrouping of PebbleCreek Community Church’s (PCCC) fall Bible studies and small groups. We are blessed at PCCC to have dedicated volunteers who serve as group leaders. What they all have in common is a dedicated desire to see their groups grow spiritually and be in closer connection to…

PebbleCreek Community Church Welcomes New Music Leadership

Bonnie Brown, PCCC Communications Committee PebbleCreek Community Church (PCCC) is excited to announce the position of choir director now belongs to a PebbleCreek resident, Katie Croy. She may be a familiar name and face to many as Katie has been active in Showtime Productions, Inc. Katie has performed in leading roles and acted as the vocal…

PebbleCreek Community Church Supports Christian Scholarships

Edna DeFord As part of a June worship service, the PebbleCreek Community Church welcomed Dr. Anthony W. Allen, vice president of advancement at Arizona Christian University (ACU), as a speaker for Moments for Missions. During the worship service, Edna DeFord, missions committee chairperson, and John Aycock, missions committee member, presented Dr. Allen with a $5,000…

Take Me Out to the Ball Game

Roxann Sykes Members of the PebbleCreek Community Church enjoyed a beautiful evening at the Goodyear Ballpark, for the March 25 game of the Cincinnati Reds versus the Chicago White Sox. A delicious buffet was provided by the Park catering company on the Pavilion Terrace. The Fellowship Committee was very pleased with the turnout this year of…