New Bible Studies Available in Autumn

Mary McFarland

The return of snowbirds to PebbleCreek signals the regrouping of PebbleCreek Community Church’s (PCCC) fall Bible studies and small groups.

We are blessed at PCCC to have dedicated volunteers who serve as group leaders. What they all have in common is a dedicated desire to see their groups grow spiritually and be in closer connection to each other and to God. Studies for men, for women, and for mixed groups are offered. Gatherings can take several formats—studying books of the Bible, watching DVDs, following study guides, or discussing Biblical topics. Meetings can take place in homes, at our Robson Reserve church office, or via Zoom. This year we have some exciting new opportunities. Starting in October, our new Pastor, Nate Watkins, will be leading a Bible study on Friday mornings at 10 a.m. in the Robson Reserve Theatre. There will also be a new group convening especially for those who have never studied the Bible. Whenever and wherever we meet, the atmosphere is always hospitable and the conversation is encouraging, as we pray for each other and share insights.

Anyone can join a study. Just as our community-at-large strives to be an inclusive gathering of people from diverse backgrounds with shared interests, PCCC is a “melting pot” of denominations that worship together at our campus church. All are welcome.

We learn from each other and share what the Lord has done and is doing in our lives. All of us are a work in progress. Whether one has been in Bible studies and small groups for years or one is joining a study for the very first time, God is still shaping each of us for his purposes.

Check out available days, times, and group topics on our website at under the Our Bible Studies tab. Get in touch directly with the leader of the study that interests you, or email Mary McFarland, chair of our education committee, at [email protected].

Each Sunday at 9 a.m. we convert the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom into a Christian sanctuary—all are invited to join in our one-hour services followed by social gatherings.