PCM9GA new members Closest to the pin
Sports, December 2014
PCM9GA introduces new members at November 9 golfing event

Erv Stein Since the most humble beginnings of the PCM9GA almost 10 years ago in 2005, our membership role has steadily increased and lately at a quite dramatic rate since currently we have about 285 members. Since September the PCM9GA has added 19 new members. At our recent regularly scheduled Thursday, November 6 event conducted…
Sports, December 2014
PCMGA Board member Bill Schaffer scores a hole-in-one

Howie Tiger Bill Schaffer recorded his personal second hole-in-one at Coldwater Golf Course on Thursday, October 30. He hit a pitching wedge on the fifth hole, a par 3 measuring 114 yards. Bill is a board member of the PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association who was participating in a step-aside scramble tourney conducted by the PCM9GA.…
Sports, November 2014
PCM9GA hosts joint Falcon Dunes golfing event

Erv Stein For several years now our PCM9GA group has hosted typically four off campus golfing events during the annual October closure of our own PebbleCreek courses for the fall overseeding. This year we have scheduled a total of four events beginning with our just completed October 9 event followed by Tres Rios on October…
Sports, November 2014
PCM9GA reports Yellow Ball Scramble Tournament results

Erv Stein While not everyone in PebbleCreek golfs on a regular basis, PebbleCreek certainly qualifies as a class golfing community and many members of our four sanctioned golf clubs will do 18 holes several times weekly and even our PCM9GA group is typically is not an exception. That being said, the very next day after…
Sports, October 2014
PCM9GA foursome wins Beat the Pros Tournament
Erv Stein On August 29, a total of 20 PebbleCreek foursomes, 80 golfers, which included our own PebbleCreek Pros as well as two PCM9GA foursomes participated in the well heralded Beat the Pros Challenge Tournament utilizing our Eagle’s Nest Course. While many of our non-golfing PebbleCreek residents may not be familiar with our resident Golf…
Sports, October 2014
PCM9GA announces August 14 two low net tournament results

Erv Stein Arizona is certainly a genuine mecca for golfing and typically, outside of our torrid summer months’ furnace like climate, our state attracts many thousands of visitors primarily for golfing activities. For the summer months, the mass exodus of many of our PCM9GA members takes place, yet on Thursday, August 14, our enthusiastic group…
Sports, October 2014
PCM9GA announces August 28 modified scramble results

Erv Stein With our PCM9GA snowbird members still widely dispersed in more temperate locations, our core group of close to 50 summer resident golfers teed off at our Eagle’s Nest Front Nine Course utilizing one more intriguing tournament format variation in which for the first drive only, the best drive, was utilized. For succeeding shots…
Sports, June 2014
PCM9GA May 8 Triple Dipper Tournament results

Erv Stein On the pleasantly temperate afternoon of May 8, over 100 of our PCM9GA golfers teed off at our Tuscany Falls and Palms Courses utilizing the Triple Dipper Tournament format. Per usual, our pairing committee members never cease to amaze us all with their endless array of mind-boggling variations and this format was again…
Sports, June 2014
David Gasch’s exciting “Hole In One” PCM9GA Eagle’s Nest

Erv Stein For golfers at all skill levels, arguably nothing more can create the sudden flow of adrenaline and sheer excitement than the thrill of driving the ball from the tee and seeing the ball approach the hole and then likely disappear into the hole. For the vast majority of us, we may come close…