PCM9GA Club Champion Flight Winners, left to right: PC Golf Pro Jason Whitehill, Bill Schroeder, Ray Baumbach, Kevin Bentson, PCM9GA President Ray Clements, Randy Prinz and Mike D’Onofrio
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA conducted its ninth annual Three Stage Club Championship Tournament on March 19, 26 and April 2 with a total of 84 highly motivated PCM9GA golfers participating utilizing all three of our Tuscany nine hole courses on a rotational basis.
As in previous years for this annual championship event, a total of four foursome flights were set up as the A, B, C and D flights based upon their prevailing established AGA handicaps. For each of the three events, the gross and low net handicap adjusted scores were compiled and the competition was extremely close and the excitement level built up quite dramatically prior to the third and final event on April 9. As the final scores were being compiled in the patio in back of the Tuscany Pro Shop, the competition was ever so close as those golfers with potential flight winning scores, enjoying their beer and refreshments, could hardly wait to see the final results.
Our group of well over 125 total golfers, including the non-tournament players, loudly applauded the announced low gross and low net winners which were Mike D’Onofrio with a quite awesome gross score of 120 and Randy Prinz with an equally exceptional low net of 92. Likewise we congratulated our remaining flight winners which were Ray Baumbach, Flight A with a net 100. Bill Schroeder, Flight B with a net 98 and last, but by no means least, Kevin Bentson with a low net of 94.
A summary of this year’s 2015 PCM9GA Club Champion winners were as follows:
Low Net Club Champion – Randy Prinz – 92; second Kevin Bentson – 94; third Bill Schroeder – 98
Low Gross Club Champion – Mike D’Onofrio – 120; second Gary Havens – 123; third Bruce Ruder – 124
Flight A Champion – Ray Baumbach – 100; second Ray Clements – 101; third Gary Havens – 102, Stan Peterson – 102 and Doug Wainwright – 102
Flight B Champion – Bill Schroeder – 98; second Hal Merwald – 100; third Tom Pizzello – 102
Flight C Champion – Randy Prinz – 92; second Larry Gleason – 100; third Don Soesbe – 102 and Frank Hylton – 102
The PCM9GA championship winners were presented their trophies at the annual PCM9GA Awards Banquet on Friday, April 17. The PCM9GA executive board and committee members are to be commended for their super efforts and results in coordinating this event. A special thanks goes to our Golf Pro Jason Whitehill with Jock Ward and Bob Cowan assisting in the scoring for this event.
Our PCM9GA highly encourages prospective new members to join our fun loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The annual $50 fee includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.