PebbleCreek Lady Niners play at Falcon Dunes

Pat Kaer On October 10 the PebbleCreek Lady Niners traveled to Luke Air Force Base and played golf at Falcon Dunes Golf Course. This was a just for fun scramble. There were no prizes and no posting of scores. The ladies enjoyed playing at a different course. The “sounds of freedom” were heard loud and…

PCL9GA away golf day

Pam Smith On October 3, 2017, 29 people from the PCL9GA (PebbleCreek Lady Niner Golf Association) attended an AWAY golf day in Buckeye. Nine holes of Flighted Golf at Verrado Golf Club, followed by a light breakfast; a beautiful day in the valley with a great group of ladies.

Lady Niners look forward to a busy season

PCL9GA Officers—-Loreen Greer, treasurer; Patty Greene, president; Barbara Hockert, president-elect; Melissa D’Onofrio, secretary

Pat Kaer The officers of the PebbleCreek Lady Nine-Hole Golf Association and many other volunteers are busy planning a fun year for the Lady Niners. September began the season with a joint golf day where Sun City Grand golfers were invited to Eagle’s Nest on September 26. October will feature two away play days-—Verrado on…

Golfing in the Sun? Be safe, Be Chic

PCL9GA members Wendy Wisser, Patti Halbmaier, Kathy Vienna and Yvonne Harm show off their sun protective shirts and sleeves.

Patti Halbmaier We are all at a high risk of skin cancer as residents in the Valley of the Sun. Ultraviolet (UV) rays can be a major cause of skin cancer, but taking precautions can reduce the risks. A number of our PCL9GA members have been golfing in long-sleeved sun protective tops and sleeves over…

Arlene Greenberg gets hole-in-one

Carol Horan, the PCL9GA representative to the Arizona Women’s Golf Association, presents Arlene Greenberg with a hole-in-one certificate from the Association.

Pat Kaer On June 2, 2017 PCL9GA member Arlene Greenberg scored a hole-in-one on the Par 3 Lakes No. 3. She used her driver and the shot landed about a foot from the flag. She and her friends watched the ball roll into the hole. She was golfing with members of her regular Friday golf…

PCL9GA hosts spring “Par-Tee” event

Par Tee First Place Falls Course — Jack and Kathy Doerwald, Bonnie and Rich Elliott

Pat Kaer Installation of Officers On April 25 the Lady Niners installed the officers for the 2017-2018 season. After golf the installation ceremony was held. The old officers passed a rose to the new officers. Members of the new board are Patty Greene, president, Barbara Hockert, president elect, Melissa D’Onofrio, secretary and Lorene Greer, treasurer.…

PCL9GA news

PCL9GA President Lynn Bishop-Pidcock with Club Champion and Low Net Winner Char Morrow

Pat Kaer Spring Fling and Election of Officers On March 28, the Lady Niners held the annual Spring Fling. This event included some interesting golf challenges and club selection. The score cards were randomly drawn to determine tournament winners. On the same day next year’s officers were elected; the Club Champion, Most Improved player and…

PCL9GA Winners For January events

Memory Matters Falls First Place Team — Joyce Rustman, Marielle Ramsey, Brooke Veres (MHS), Charlotte Krause

Pat Kaer Memory Matters The annual charity tournament was held on January 17 at the Tuscany Falls Golf Course. The tournament was chaired by Kathy Dolan and Mary Lacy. This year’s theme was Memory Matters which supported Alzheimer’s Research. Members donated to Alzheimer’s Association Desert Southwest in honor of a loved one or friend. The…

PCL9GA holds annual Invitational Golf Tournament

Falls First Place — Cheryl Peterson (Sun City Grand), Donna Frole, Jean Stephenson (Palo Verde), Pat Hallacy

Pat Kaer Hello Hollywood was the theme of the PCL9GA Invitational Golf Tournament held on February 7. Over 200 ladies from PebbleCreek and eight other clubs from around the valley played on all three Tuscany Falls golf courses. This event, planned by co-chairs Kathy Doerwald and Connie Peterson, was a two-best-ball, four-lady team format. Many…