Tag: PC Art Club

PC Art Club lifetime award

PebbleCreek Art Club Secretary Thea Smith

Sherri VanSchaick The PebbleCreek Art Club is honored to announce a Lifetime Membership to Thea Smith. She has been involved with the Art Club for over fifteen years, always conscientiously supportive, volunteering on many committees as well as providing outstanding service as the club’s secretary. During her years as chairman of the Field Trip Committee,…

Artist of the Month – Kriss Ham

Kriss Ham

Linda Strauss-Lewis Kriss Ham, our May 2015 Artist of the Month, wrote her own biography so well that I’ve decided to use it. Kriss is a sweet, quiet, caring woman and I think her own words reflect that. “My adventurous life began once I graduated from high school and met my husband Gary. He’s an…

Art Club history (continued)

Sherri Heitz On January 24, 1997, the PebbleCreek Art Club started a series of art classes in different mediums with local and out of state artists and we carry on that tradition to this day! At one time the small group of 12 journeyed to the studio of Nancy Clauss in Scottsdale to view a…

Thanks for contributing

Sherri Heitz There is only so much room to acknowledge all of those who have contributed to the club’s success over the years—Al Rose, Louis Galvao, Shirley Smith (still contributing quietly and with no desired fanfare—sorry Shirley), Gil Kreuger, Jack Hampton, Judy Stough, Marianne Graff, Diane Greeneich, Gretchen Olberding and so many more. I wish…

Attn: Must read news from the Art Club

Sherri Heitz Are you new to PebbleCreek? Are you interested in learning to paint or draw? Do you already paint in any medium? What about photography or abstract art? How about advanced classes in oil, pastels, colored pencil, or watercolor? So far we have no one to teach classes in photography—for photographing your own pictures…

Art Club members’ choice

Sherri Heitz wins first place for her colored pencil portrait.

Sherri Heitz Gretchen Olberding, president of the PebbleCreek Art Club, issued a challenge to all members attending the September meeting to bring one piece of art he/she created over the summer. There were 21 different and beautiful pieces of art showing the diversity and enormous talent of our community of artists here in PebbleCreek. Those…

Arizona Pastel Artists’ Spring Exhibition

Sharon Adamy

Sherri Heitz Sharon Adamy won Best of Show in the spring 2014 Juried Spring Exhibition held April 18 to 30 at the Sedona Arts Center. Her painting entitled Twilight on the Seine was one of 75 accepted entries out of the 135 images entered. The Judge was Leslie B. DeMille who has been an instructor at…

PebbleCreek Art Club highlights

Elizabeth McCarthy, The Apple River

Sherri VanSchaick Visitors attending the 2014 PC Art Club’s Meet the Artists Fine Art Show and Sale selected Elizabeth McCarthy’s pastel The Apple River as The People’s Choice. Sherri VanSchaick’s colored pencil The Yin and the Yang of It and Sharon Adamy’s pastel Paris Street Scene were second and third respectively. The People’s Choice Award Committee members Charlene…