Tag: Meetings

Singles Club Enjoys BBQ and Entertainment

Kathy Smith Some members of the PebbleCreek Singles Club traveled to Bobby Q’s BBQ restaurant in Mesa, and then they went on to attend the 2 p.m. matinee of the Duttons Family Show. Bobby-Q’s restaurant is proud to have been selected as 2019 winner of the best BBQ in our Valley. The Duttons were finalists…

PC Hiking Club – February 2024

Celebrating a Hiking Milestone Pam Marshall On Dec. 13, a clear sunny day with a chill in the air, 18 members of the PebbleCreek Hiking Club met to celebrate a hiking milestone for one of its members. The group met at White Tank Mountain Regional Park and hiked the popular Library to Waterfall trail. In…

PebbleCreek Sewing Club Community Service Projects

Donna Aybar You have been reading about the Community Service Projects that the Pebble Creek Sewing Club has been working on over the past several months, and recently we made two organizations very happy when we delivered these items. On Jan. 8, we delivered 22 baby blankets to Abrazo Hospital. And to Hospice of the Valley we delivered…

Sewing Club Has New Officers, New Projects

Cathy Howell The PebbleCreek Sewing Club has a new board of officers for 2024: Donna Aybar, Treasurer and Co-President; Edna DeFord, Publicity and Emeritus; Barbara Rzeszowski, Secretary; and Kathy Brown, Co-President. The sewing club has lots of fun projects coming up this year, so please come by. The PebbleCreek Sewing Club meets on Wednesdays for open sewing and…

64? 65? Medicare Eligible?

A TRICARE For Life (TFL) briefing will be held Tuesday, Feb. 13 for all TRICARE beneficiaries who are eligible for Medicare Part A and B. This is a great event for TRICARE beneficiaries who have questions or want to learn more about the TFL program. Join us Feb. 13 at 9 a.m. or 1 p.m.…

Sgt. Paul Taylor to Address Pet Companions February 7

Jim Ellison, President The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek is pleased to have Sgt. Paul Taylor from the Maricopa County MASH Unit as our guest speaker at our General Membership meeting on Wednesday, Feb. 7. We will meet in room 100 of the Eagle’s Nest Activities Center at 3 p.m. All PebbleCreek residents, whether club…

Understanding Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Teri Sellers PebbleCreek Alzheimer’s Support Group is open to all residents who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. We meet twice a month, a breakfast social and a support group meeting. Our goal is to provide support and information to families that are caring for a loved one with dementia. Currently more than 55…

Singles Club Celebrates the Holidays

Kathy Smith There were more than 85 singles who had a great time enjoying fun and friendship at our annual Holiday Dinner Dance. It was held in the Chianti Room with a delicious Italian buffet. After dinner there was great dance music provided by DJ Hankster. Our club is very active with a variety of…

Camera Club Meeting—Street Photography February 12

Lynn Warren Camera Club meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in the Coyote Room in the Creative Arts Center. Join us for an interesting presentation on Feb. 12 at 6:30 p.m. about Street Photography by club member Terry Schmidbauer. Terry is an experienced outdoorsman and life-long photographer and…