Tag: Mah Jongg

Mah Jongg Beginners Class

Sue White A beginners Mah Jongg class was held for four weeks in January. The attendees learned how to play the game by learning the names of tiles, how to set up to play the game, and strategies of the game. They played  Mah Jongg on their first day, and each table had a Mah…

October Mah Jongg Beginners Class

A beginners Mah Jongg class was held for four weeks in October. The attendees learned how to play the game by learning the names of tiles, how to set up to play the game, and strategies of the game. They played  Mah Jongg on their first day, and each table had a Mah Jongg. Another…

PebbleCreek Annual Mah Jongg Tournament

Sue Branton The 2024 PebbleCreek Mah Jongg Tournament was held on March 7 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom, continuing an 18-year tradition for this event. Headed by co-chairwomen Sue Branton and Rose Johnson, players from across the community gathered for a day of enthusiastic camaraderie and friendly competition. The American style Mah Jongg was played under…

Mah Jongg January Class

Sue White Twelve ladies attended Beginners Mah Jongg lessons for four weeks in January. They learned the basics of the game, including building walls, the Charleston, learning names of the tiles, reading the Mah Jongg card, and the strategies of the game. They all enjoyed meeting new friends and learning to “love the game.” Sue White…

Mah Jongg October Class

Sue White Twelve ladies attended Beginners Mah Jongg lessons for four weeks in October. They learned the basics of the game, including building walls, the Charleston, learning names of the tiles, reading the Mah Jongg card, and the strategies of the game. They all enjoyed meeting new friends and learning to “love the game.” Sue White…

Mah Jongg Beginners Class

A mah jongg beginners class with 12 participants was held in January and February for four weeks. The participants learned the mah jongg “language” and strategies for playing this great game. The instructor was Sue White, along with helpers Pat Bangart, Mary Georgesen, Patty Greene, Nancy Hume, Averill Swenson, and Kathy Carney. A new class…

Mah Jongg Beginners Class

A Beginners Mah Jongg class with 12 participants was held in October and November for four weeks. The participants learned the Mah Jongg “language” and strategies for playing this great game. The instructor was Sue White, along with helpers, Pat Bangart. Mary Georgesen, Patty Greene, Nancy Hume, Averill Swenson, and Kathy Carney. A new class…