Tag: golf

PCLGA award winners

Best Attendance: Charlene Held with Kathy Hubert-Wyss

Lynn Matousek Statistics matter! And when you have good people with great statistics, it’s worth writing about. Every year there are a few members of the PCLGA who go “above and beyond” in certain categories and consequently earn recognition for their outstanding achievements. This year, at the PCLGA Annual Meeting held on March 22, 2017,…

A special guest plays in PCLGA Member/Guest tournament

Linda Port and Sheri Sears

Lynn Matousek At the recent PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament, PCLGA member Sheri Sears invited Linda Port to participate as her guest. Sheri and Linda have been friends for over 10 years, both living in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Thirty years ago Linda was diagnosed with progressive hereditary eye disease and as a result lost all but…

Champions crowned by PCLGA

2017 PCLGA Overall Low Net Champion Layne Sheridan with Golf Pro Jason Whitehill

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA held its Tournament of Champions on March 14, 21 and 22, 2017 co-chaired by Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Barb Rossi and Karen Vagley. Congratulations to Andrea Dilger, the 2017 PCLGA Overall Low Gross Champion and Layne Sheridan, the 2017 PCLGA Overall Low Net Champion! High Tea was the theme for this…

PCLGA 2017 Medallion Score winners

Sue Abercrombie and Kathy Hubert-Wyss

Lynn Matousek Congratulations to Kathy Hubert-Wyss, the 2017 Medallion Low Gross Winner and to Sue Abercrombie, the 2017 Medallion Low Net Winner for the PCLGA! As a member of the Arizona Women’s Golf Association, the PCLGA designates four 18-hole rounds during its golf year as Medallion Qualifiers. The players who produce the two best gross…

Pro’s Corner

Q. How high should I tee the ball? A. When the ball is on a tee and you are using a driver or fairway wood, the rule of thumb is to tee the ball so half of the ball is above the top edge of the club; therefore, it would be teed higher with the…

The kindness of strangers

Lena Godebu and David Rossi

Bill Fenster The PebbleCreek Niners have a tradition of putting a dollar into a pot to award the player whose drive lands closest to the pin on the par three holes. When my foursome approached our first par three, one of our four, Dave Rossi told us how important it was for him to win…

No repeat winners at 2017 PCMGA Member-Member

2017 PCMGA MM Blue Flights Blue Flight Winners left to right: Jack Schafer, Butch Schoen, Larry Haiflich, Millard Smith, Mike McMahon and Norm Laurent

Howie Tiger The annual PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association Member-Member tourney was played over three days, March 8, 9 and 16, utilizing both Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls courses. Some members say, “The same guys win every year!” Not this time. In review of last year’s results, no team was a repeat winner. The weather and…

PC Putters Club holds special spring events

Carol Taylor, Sharon Ribary and Bettyann Baumgartner check in the Putters.

Maureen Campbell Members of the PebbleCreek Putters Club putt and have fun every week. Some weeks are more special than others. During the week of April 10, the Five and Ten Cent Store Challenge gave every PC Putter who scored a hole-in-one on Hole No. 5 or Hole No. 10 a reduction on their total…

2017-2018 PCLGA officers

Secretary Claudia Tiger, Vice President Chanca Morrell, President Marilyn Reynolds (Treasurer Jenna Ridgeway not present for photo.)

Lynn Matousek Meet the Officers for the 2017-2018 PCLGA Executive Board: President Marilyn Reynolds, Vice President Chanca Morrell, Secretary Claudia Tiger and Treasurer Jenna Ridgeway. The Board president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer were elected by the PCLGA membership at the March 2017 General Meeting and installed at the Annual Meeting held on March 22, 2017.…