Tag: golf

PCMGA Member/Guest Traditional: Gillespie and Pretzer win

Traditional Format Overall Winners: Tim Pretzer and Parmer Gillespie

Howie Tiger Parmer Gillespie and his guest Tim Pretzer were the overall Traditional Format winners of the 2017 PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association 22nd annual Member/Guest Tournament. The tourney was held on Thursday, April 27 at Eagle’s Nest and on Friday, April 28 at Tuscany Falls. Immediately after regulation play was concluded on Friday, the overall…

PCLGA members play at Corta Bella Golf Club

Front, left to right: Sue Abercrombie, Cheryl Skummer, Cindy Sota, Carolyn Suttles, Ann Page, Elaine Carlson, Jane Hee, Barbara Younker; back: Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Claudia Tiger, Patricia Sabourin; absent: Linda Thompson, Carol Sanders

Lynn Matousek The 2017 golf season has begun for the Central District Golf Association with its first tournament at Corta Bella Golf Club in Sun City West, Arizona on April 24, 2017. The PCLGA was well represented with the following pairings: Cheryl Skummer and Cindy Sota; Sally Babbitt and Sue Abercrombie; Donnie Meyers and Ann…

A winning day at AWGA Four-Ball State championship

Kathy Hubert-Wyss and Barbara Patrow

Lynn Matousek 2016-2017 PCLGA President Barbara Patrow and Vice-President Kathy Hubert-Wyss are closing out their term as officers of the PCLGA in grand style. They came home winners after participating in the 2017 AWGA (Arizona Women’s Golf Association) Four-Ball State Championship on May 1 and 2, 2017. They won first Low Net of their flight…

Desert Mashie Golf Club showcases PebbleCreek

Carolyn Suttles, Desert Mashie President, with members enjoying the weekend event.

Carolyn Suttles Desert Mashie Golf Club held its 69th annual Invitational Golf Tournament May 5 through 7, 2017. Our own PebbleCreek Resort was showcased as the venue. Golfers and non-golfers came from five western states along the West Coast. A great weekend was had by all. Several residents and businesses in the area came out…

Jewels of the Desert PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament

Flight One: Layne Sheridan, Lorie Wood, Marilyn Reynolds, Mary Bloom

Lynn Matousek Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby, Citrine, Amethyst, Turquoise and even a couple of diamonds in the rough were the jewels of the three-day PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament held on April 2, 3 and 4, 2017. Jewels of the Desert was the theme of this gem of a tournament. The hard work of Chairperson Cheryl Skummer, Vice-Chair…

PCL9GA news

PCL9GA President Lynn Bishop-Pidcock with Club Champion and Low Net Winner Char Morrow

Pat Kaer Spring Fling and Election of Officers On March 28, the Lady Niners held the annual Spring Fling. This event included some interesting golf challenges and club selection. The score cards were randomly drawn to determine tournament winners. On the same day next year’s officers were elected; the Club Champion, Most Improved player and…

Disney in the Desert

Event Chairpersons Cidnee Lusk and Sally Melzow

Pat Kaer The PebbleCreek Lady Niners held the annual Member-Member Tournament at Tuscany Falls on March 21 and 22. This event, chaired by Sally Melzow and Cidnee Lusk, was a two-day event, which included a putting contest, raffle prizes, door prizes and lunch on both days. Two-member teams competed in a scramble format on the…

PCLGA Cholla Team results

Claudia Tiger, Karen Vagley, Sue Abercrombie, Sally Babbitt, Donnie Meyers, Ann Page

Lynn Matousek The PCLGA has two teams that are part of the Cholla Travel League, a team from Eagle’s Nest and a team from Tuscany Falls. Even though neither team won this year, everyone had a great time. It was an opportunity to play different courses at a reasonable price. The Cholla teams play a…

PCLGA award winners

Best Attendance: Charlene Held with Kathy Hubert-Wyss

Lynn Matousek Statistics matter! And when you have good people with great statistics, it’s worth writing about. Every year there are a few members of the PCLGA who go “above and beyond” in certain categories and consequently earn recognition for their outstanding achievements. This year, at the PCLGA Annual Meeting held on March 22, 2017,…

A special guest plays in PCLGA Member/Guest tournament

Linda Port and Sheri Sears

Lynn Matousek At the recent PCLGA Member/Guest Tournament, PCLGA member Sheri Sears invited Linda Port to participate as her guest. Sheri and Linda have been friends for over 10 years, both living in Rancho Santa Fe, California. Thirty years ago Linda was diagnosed with progressive hereditary eye disease and as a result lost all but…