Tag: events

Save the date – February 7

A special anniversary party for PebbleCreek. The original residents who had the courage to buy into PebbleCreek when it was just a dream in the early 90s are being invited to celebrate 22 years of a wonderful life and the 22 year anniversary of the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse which opened in February of 1994. If…

PebbleCreek Live On Stage

Artists Judy Hale, Duane Langston and Alla Langston paint the set pieces for A Night at the Renaissance.

Tickets for A Night At The Renaissance Laurie Farquhar If you had a chance to see the best of PebbleCreek’s performing arts groups in one show, how much would you expect to pay for a ticket? $30? $40? $50? The upcoming PAC fundraiser, A Night at the Renaissance, will showcase many of PebbleCreek’s most talented…

Poinsettia Ball December 5

Rosemary Holmes Start your December holiday season by attending the ever popular Poinsettia Ball sponsored by the PebbleCreek Italian Club. The ball will be held on December 5, 2015, at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Tickets are $75 a person and will include an elegant sit down dinner. Dancing will be to the music of the…

Upcoming events

Cory McCloskey’s Love Boat – October 2, 2015 – Renaissance Theater One of the best things about a cruise vacation is the live entertainment. At the end of a busy day on the ship, hundreds of passengers gather in the showroom-at-sea to watch one of the many varied types of performers. Jugglers, magicians, comedians, singers, dancers…

Wisconsin State Party planning

Pat Jensen I know many of you are still in Wisconsin reading this article. It is never too soon to start planning for our next party which is scheduled for Sunday, February 28. The committee has been working on decorating and obtaining prizes for our wonderful raffle baskets. We are always looking for new people…

Save the date: Artist’s Holiday Fest

Mark your calendar to join us for a festive event, Saturday, December 5, 2015, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.in the Creative Arts Building at Tuscany Falls. Get a head start on your holiday shopping, support the amazing artists in our community and meet with friends and neighbors at this special holiday event.

PebbleCreek Art Club to host Art Walk on October 17

Judy Bihary Mark your calendars for Saturday, October 17, 2015, for the PebbleCreek Art Club Art Walk. This wonderful event will showcase the fabulous talents of Art Club members with over 100 pieces of art on display and for sale in a variety of mediums. The Art Walk will be located in the Renaissance Theatre…

Musette Young classes at Creative Arts Center

Maryalice Carl Once again, Musette will be coming to PebbleCreek to share her knowledge and talent with PebbleCreek residents. So hurry in to the Expressions Gallery in the Creative Arts Center to sign up for her classes. Wednesday, October 14, noon to 3:00 p.m. Talavera style painting. Cost $38. You must supply your own bisque.…

Christmas Day Potluck update

Jane Cook It is not too early to make your reservations for the twenty-second annual Christmas Day Potluck. It will be held on Friday, December 25, 2015, at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Last year 180 people attended. You will meet new PebbleCreekers and see old friends. To make your reservations call Jane Cook at 623-935–1137…