Tag: Ceramics Club

Ceramics Club Happy Hour

Gena Wikstrom The Ceramics Club met for the last happy hour of the season. Hosted by Bob and Janet Vine, ceramic members enjoyed lively conversation, discussed plans for the summer, and shared great potluck appetizers and desserts.

Ceramics Club June Artist of the Month: Kathy Koch

Susan Eastman Kathy and her husband, John, were high school sweethearts. After they graduated from the University of Wisconsin, John entered the Army. He trained at Fort Benning, Ga., and was assigned to Fort Ord for the duration. They returned to Madison, Wis., where their twins, a boy and a girl, were born. After the…

Ceramics Club Happy Hour

Gena Wikstrom Members of the Ceramics Club love to paint and love to get together! An April 12 happy hour was hosted by Linda Galowitch, who opened her lovely home to about 35 members and their guests to enjoy great conversation, superb appetizers, and sharing of summer plans. This was a “so long until fall”…

Artists of the Month – May 2024

Pottery/Sculpture Club: Sheila Millendorf When Sheila Millendorf graduated from Cooper Union in New York with a degree in fine arts, she likely would never have imagined the direction her artistic skill and vision would take her. While living in Santa Fe, Sheila honed her passion for multimedia minimalist art vignettes. It wasn’t until she moved…

Ceramics Club Offers Intro Class

Gena Wikstrom Twenty residents attended the Ceramics Club “Introduction to Ceramics” class on Feb. 17. Participants were provided with a mug to paint using their choice of crystal glazes to learn the application technique to achieve an interesting result. They also were provided with a greenware vase with which they learned basic cleaning principles for…

Ceramics Club Hosts Desert Edge High School

Susan Eastman and Gena Wikstrom In an outstanding intergenerational collaboration, the Ceramics Club of PebbleCreek (CCPC) and the Desert Edge High School (DEHS) Conservatory of Art partnered in a program to share ceramic art with 19 students in our Creative Arts Center on Jan. 31. This field trip was unprecedented in PebbleCreek. The Ceramics Club sought approval…

Ceramics Club July Artist of the Month: Connie Marsh

Susan Eastman It’s always interesting to see the migratory patterns of folks who land in PebbleCreek after life experiences across the country. Connie Marsh was born and raised in Ohio, yet spent 40 years of her life in northern and southern California. Connie was a paralegal for some of that time but studied further to receive certification in law firm management.…

Ceramics Club June Artist of the Month: Sherry Guthrie

Susan Eastman “Every day in PebbleCreek is fun,” says Sherry Guthrie. And it is her wide smile and easy laugh that brightens her busy days for all in the Ceramics Club. Sherry is an adventurer, exploring new techniques that are often fun to watch. Did I tell you she blew bubbles for three days as…