T.T.T. Chapter P Says Thank You to Residents and Friends

Claudia Clarkson

Under the leadership of President Jan Stash and the amazing organization of our Poinsettia Chairs, Sandy Hoffman and Carol Rice, Chapter P sold and distributed 945 plants this year. Among our many thanks, we want to recognize the Robson Corporation for their amazing generosity. The plants they purchase provide the gorgeous poinsettia trees that are placed outside both clubhouse entrances. They are truly a feast for all to enjoy. We wish to extend our continued gratitude to all our spouses for their assistance in offloading and distribution. We want to give a special shout out to Ron Hoffman, who serves as our point person in dealing with the grower. Lastly and most importantly, thank you to all the residents of PebbleCreek for opening your hearts and helping support our mission of helping young girls. Through your purchases and donations, we can continue our assistance to more than 20 girls at Michael Anderson Elementary in Avondale. Seeing the joy that we can bring into their lives is truly a blessing, and we are grateful that you have chosen to be part of this journey.