Christy Vezolles collects donations
Linda Rowe
As reported last month, the Navajo Nation continues to suffer the effects of COVID-19. PebbleCreek (PC) Quilters have continued to donate masks (now totaling 550). You may know the phrase, “give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” The PC Quilters Club donated six sewing machines, material, and many sewing tools and supplies, such as scissors, pins, needles, elastic, bias tape, patterns, etc. This way, we are empowering the Navajo Nation to be less dependent on others in efforts to protect themselves against the virus. Chris Vezolles, Trustee from the Heard Museum, will be delivering these items. She told PC Quilter’s President Ronda Jones that the masks are very much appreciated and that our club is likely helping save lives.
At the time this article was written, the Navajo Nation had the highest rate of hospitalizations from COVID-19 than any other race in the U.S. (see recent story from the Today Show at www.shorturl.at/lsvCJ), and also continues to have weekend lockdowns in an effort to reduce virus spread. There are three ways members of the PC Community can assist in this effort: 1. Purchase raffle tickets for the 2020 opportunity quilt at www.pebblecreekquilters.org; 2. Email Ronda at the address noted above to make a donation; or 3. Donate directly to the Navajo Nation COVID-19 Relief Fund at www.nndoh.org/donate.html.