Donna Gillen
As the weather is warming and the days are getting longer, the PebbleCreek Tennis Club (PCTC) is flourishing with spring activities.
On the first and third Thursdays of the month, Skills and Drills will be available to club members. Starting time is 11:30 a.m., and the group lessons will be for 90 minutes. The instructors are Dan Schimmelpfennig, Marty McAllister, and Jonathan Colter.
Drop-In Tennis for men and women continues on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday for men and Monday and Wednesday for women. All drop-in play is at the Eagle’s Nest courts.
TNT is in full swing on Thursday nights at the Tuscany Falls courts. Marty McAllister coordinates this event. This is an evening for no pressure, co-ed, fun play. If you have questions, contact Marty at [email protected].
Date Night has returned for the spring. This event is a fun, no pressure tennis event with other couples on either Saturday or Sunday afternoons, followed by an evening with your significant other for refreshments at a place to be determined each month.
After being postponed for a year, in March we will have the Club Championship tournament. The winner’s name will be added to the plaque in the Tennis Hut to commemorate their accomplishment. Aquine Jackson coordinates this event.
Last, but certainly not least, we will continue to have our socials and round robins until May. Please sign up early, as the spots are limited for play.
For further information on any of the events listed above, see the PebbleCreek Tennis Club website at Also, as a member of the club, you will be able to find the contact information for other members and the PCTC board. Most importantly, you will be able to have up-to-date information on any current changes to a schedule or additional opportunities for play.
Let’s ace this spring with lots of play, laughter, and friendship.