PebbleCreek Quilters Celebrate Pam Branfuhr

Pam Branfuhr with her display of bright-colored quilts.

Cynthia Schwartz

Pam Branfuhr never quilted before she moved to PebbleCreek. But when she joined PebbleCreek Quilters, she was hooked. Pam got so hooked on quilting that when she went to “Road to California, a quilt show in Southern California, she spent over $3,000 at the show and came back with three large trash bags of fabric. Pam commented, “I didn’t buy just one yard of a fabric that I liked, I bought three yards to make sure that I had enough. My friends laughed so hard at me. I still have some of the fabric in my fabric stash. I use it sparingly because it brings back wonderful memories.”

Pam’s inspiration and role model is her grandmother. Pam commented, “My grandmother made crazy quilts. During World War II, she made quilts from any material left over from suits and dresses. Every bed had a quilt on it. She was a marvelous woman.” Today, Pam creates quilts with bright colors for her family. “Everyone in my family has a quilt. If someone comes to visit, I give them a quilt.”

Pam, you are a marvelous quilter and we enjoyed seeing your quilts displayed in the Fabric Arts window!