PCM9GA President’s Outstanding Service Award Presentation, left to right: PCM9GA President Ray Clements, Pat Moore, Ken Hess, Jim Halbmaier, Randy Prinz

PCM9GA Champion Winners, left to right: PCM9GA President Ray Clements, Low Net Champion Marion Helton, Flight A Winner Bill Wagner, Flight B Winner Mike Davis, Flight C Winner Randy McConaughey, Flight D Winner Karl Wisser, PebbleCreek Director of Golf Jason Whitehill; not in photo: PCM9GA Low Gross Champion Rick Godwin

Pink Bubba Watson Drive Award to Randy Prinz Ray Clements (left), Randy Prinz (right)

PCM9GA Low Gross Champion Winner, left to right: Rick Godwin, President PCM9GA Ray Clements
Erv Stein
Our PCM9GA tenth annual Championship Awards Banquet, conducted at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on Friday, April 1 turned out to be a truly smashing success by every stretch of imagination.
Well over 100 PCM9GA members and their guests started our festivities with an open bar at 5:00 p.m. which loosened us all up for a fun filled night of outstanding festivities. We all proceeded to our dinner tables and our PCM9GA most energetic president, again serving as our Banquet MC, started our activities by introducing John Ward who conducted the Pledge of Allegiance to our flag along with a brief, yet highly moving, speech. Our activities heated up with the presentation of the trophies for our PCM9GA Championship Tournament winners which were as follows:
Low Gross Club Champion Rick Goodwin
Low Net Club Champion Marion Helton
Flight A Winner Bill Wagner
Flight B Winner Michael Davis
Flight C Winner Randy McConaughey
Flight D Winner Karl Wisser
President Ray Clements announced and presented the Outstanding Service Awards recognizing four of our PCM9GA members for their awesome and tireless efforts in sustaining our PCM9GA at its ongoing outstanding status:
Vice President – 2014-2016 Exemplary Performance Randy Prinz
Member – Guest Tournament Chairman Pat Moore
Hole-in-One Fund Chairman – 2015 Ken Hess
Pairings and Tournaments – 2014-2016 Jim Halbmaier
Various door prize and raffle ticket winners were then announced and the dinner turned out to be typically excellent as always thanks to our outstanding PebbleCreek Catering Staff. Sure enough, our MC Ray Clements, always delivering unexpected surprises, presented a hilarious Pink “Knock Off” Bubba Watson Ping Driver to Randy Prinz in recognition of his quite dubious feat of driving many more golf balls into likely more houses than any other PCM9GA member.
The excellent entertainment and dance music was provided by Andrea Noe and many of our members and guests danced up a storm throughout the evening. No truly phenomenally successful event just happens automatically and kudos to the outstanding PCM9GA board and Jim Halbmaeir and others which assured that our tenth PCM9GA Banquet was simply outstanding in every respect.
Our exciting PCM9GA event program this spring continued with our Mixer PCM9GA/PCL9GA Tournament on April 14 followed by PebbleCreek and Sun City Grand Mixer Event to be held at the Desert Springs Course on May 9 followed the May 12 event at our Tuscany Lakes and Palms Courses
Our PCM9GA current membership role now is at about 350 members and later on in May, our Thursday tee times revert back to 7:30 a.m. which will assure escape from the forthcoming furnace like Arizona summer heat. As always, we urge new, interested members to join our fun-loving group which welcomes golfers at all skill levels. The $50 annual cost includes dues for the AGA membership which is essential for handicap reporting. Please visit the PebbleCreek PCM9GA website at www.PCM9GA.org or you may contact our current PCM9GA Membership Chairman Bruce Hulbert at 623-535-8761.