PCLGA Raises $11,880 for New Life Center!

Red & Green Golf Tournament

Carole Schumacher

The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) “Red Mar-TEE-nis” team scored 306 points during match play under the capable leadership of Red Caddie Teresa Christianson in the annual Red & Green Golf Tournament sponsored by the PCLGA in December. The “Green Mistletoes” scored 288 points under their Green Caddie Nancy Moore, giving the Red Team the win for 2024!

This one-day golf event has become a tradition with the PCLGA where players are randomly assigned by handicap index to either the red team or the green team in a 2-person match play tournament and rack up points for each team during the 18-hole tournament. The ladies wear their respective colors and vie for bragging rights until the following year.

Most importantly, the ladies reach deep into their pocketbooks and give from the bottoms of their hearts to support the New Life Center (NLC) as they celebrate at the luncheon held following the tournament. 2024 was another record-breaking year, coming in with $638 more than the 2023 donation of $11,242!

New Life Center’s Molly Pino shared numerous statistics regarding this domestic violence organization. NLC is one of the largest in the country with 104 beds and provides emergency shelter to children, men, and women to provide safety from domestic violence and human trafficking. Located in Goodyear, the shelter also provides sexual assault training to law enforcement officials in the west valley.

A Closest-to-the-Pin competition was held in three handicap ranges. Winners on Tuscany Falls East were Jackie Goupil, Karen Poturalski, and MaryAnne Stipp on hole number 13 and Mary Harris, Barb Economou, and Chris Duprey on hole number 17.

A special thank-you to Co-Chairs (Caddies) Teresa Christianson and Nancy Moore, along with Tournament Director Vicki Norrie, and the great golf and catering staff who added their special talents to make this another huge success.

Congratulations to the PCLGA for their charitable hearts!