Carole Schumacher
The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Kickoff tournament in November was surfin’ USA in colorful red, white, and blue. The ladies wore their best patriotic colors and scrambled their way across two courses to start our Arizona winter. The winners for the day were:
Flight One
1st Place: Sally Babbitt, Lyn Bronzetti, Kearin Kasper, Barb Rossi
2nd Place: Michelle Cattin, Kathy Hubert-Wyss, Nancy Kyle, Carole Schumacher
3rd Place: Denise Gardner, Judy Hauser, Marilyn Reynolds, Bonnie Whittier
Flight Two
1st Place: Chris Duprey, Tricia Self, Sharon Temple
2nd Place: Mary Petersen, Barbara Stampke, Christine Stelplugh, Ruth Vohs
3rd Place: Marie Dawson, Lorrie Fuhr, Mikki Leach, Diana Wolf
Several ladies decorated their golf cars, and Pam Volm was announced the winner and won a PebbleCreek gift card. Following the tournament, the ladies gathered for the first time since the pandemic closures in the Tuscany Ballroom. We enjoyed a classic baked potato bar and conversations about planning the upcoming golf season.
Congratulations to all who surfed their way to a fun day!