Left to right: Leon Mosse, Eileen Lords-Mosse, Neal Wring, Julie Walmsley, Mike Tansey, Kris Raczkiewicz, Vicki Carter, Steve McElroy and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing after climbing 3,000 feet, with iconic Flatiron (Superstitions) in the background.
“A” Hikers Challenge Phoenix Icon
Lynn Warren
The hike to Flatiron, a Phoenix icon located at the northern end of the Superstitions, is considered one of the toughest hikes around Phoenix and requires a lot of route finding, boulder hopping, and scrambling, but on March 2, nine PebbleCreek hikers started at Lost Dutchman State Park and completed an almost 8-mile RT hike/scramble to the 4,800 ft. top, with over 3,000 ft. of vertical gain. It was a tough, strenuous adventure on a beautiful day with outstanding views, and the hikers felt a great sense of accomplishment when they returned safely to the parking lot (and a few sore quads the next day). The club hikes in many interesting areas around the valley, providing the opportunity to enjoy scenery and terrain a person might not experience as a solo hiker; check the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.

Back row: Leon Mosse, Ron Hoffman, Tom Wellman, Clare Bangs, Dennis Zigmunt, Dana Thomas, Stacey Miller, Gary Bray, and Len Jeffrey. Front row: Beverly Kim, Helen Lewandowski, Barb Kripps, Nancy Love, and Sandy Mednick. (Photo by Ruth Bindler)
Quartz Rock on the Pederson Trail
Ruth Bindler
Anyone who hikes in Arizona is familiar with rocks because most hiking trails sport a variety of brown, orange, and black rocks. Coming upon an unusual outcropping is therefore very gratifying. The PebbleCreek Hiking Club hikes many trails in Estrella Mountain Regional Park. After following the Coldwater Trail all the way to its end, hikers are treated to close views of the Estrella Mountains. Even more spectacular is a large outcropping of quartz rock that appears shortly after turning onto the Pederson Trail; the bright white rock paints a different palette from the more familiar brown tones. It is quite a large outcropping, providing ample spots for taking a snack break and enjoying the desert.
Quartz is composed of silica and other rocks. It appears near Phoenix in veins, geodes, and in caps, such as the outcropping on the Pederson Trail. As magma slowly cooled underground, water and silica accumulated at the roof of the chamber; over time the surrounding rock eroded away, leaving the visible quartz. In addition to interesting rocks, many areas in the desert are now sporting spring flowers, with poppies, lupine, and scorpion plants showing their colors. It is a great time of year to hike in Arizona. Come join the PebbleCreek hikers at pchikers.org.