Creekers Invade Spain

Ken Duvall Spain recently suffered an invasion by a select group of PebbleCreek residents. No lives were lost even though the invasion lasted 17 days. The invading group suffered sore feet, slight sunburns, and, for a few, enlarged waistlines. The invaders reportedly landed in Madrid on Aug. 30 and fled on Sept. 15. From Madrid they ventured…

Bible Study Is Open to All PebbleCreek Men

Curt Zimmerman The Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) is inviting all men of PebbleCreek to join a 5- to 6-week bible study beginning Tuesday, Nov. 7 at 8:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Annex (between the library and  Ballroom). The study is entitled ‘The Bible 101’ and will be led by Neil Smith. Smith says…

Kare Bears News

Tracey Schryver Did you know that Kare Bears Health and Wellness partners with outside sources to enhance the lives of those of us living in PebbleCreek? Last month, they partnered with Albertson’s Pharmacy to kickstart the beginning of flu season. In just two days during the first week of October, the Albertson’s team administered more…

Billiard Club Winners

Johnny Henson, PebbleCreek Billiard Club President Tuesday 8 a.m. 8-Ball tournament winners for September were Bob Macy (x2), Rene Lefebvre, and Clay Beeson. Friday 8 a.m. 9-Ball tournament winners for September were Bob Macy (x2), Rene Lefebvre, and Marv Schrock. The player of the month is Bob Macy with four wins—great job, Bob! Just behind…