Upcoming events in PebbleCreek

One Hit Wonderfuls Concert, Friday, September 12, 7:00 p.m. One Hit Wonderfuls highlights those special one hit wonders; the songs that stick in your head all day long that allow you to recall a snapshot in time; songs that are truly part of the soundtrack of our lives. Hits like, Seasons in the Sun, Kung Fu Fighting, You…

Save the date

Goodyear Police K9 Golf Tournament Mark your calendar for the sixth annual Charity Golf Tournament scheduled for Saturday, November 15 on the Tuscany Falls/Palms Course at 12:30 p.m. (shotgun). The cost of this event is $85 per player which includes golf and a dinner immediately following the tournament ($50 per player for homeowners with a…

Lifelong Learning at PebbleCreek

Dr. White

Keep on top of events with new LLL website and e-newsletter This September LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek is launching a new website that will provide continually updated information about our lectures, classes, trips and special programs. So be sure to watch for the announcement that http://lifelonglearningatpc.org is open for visitors! No longer limited by the…

Pebblecreek Live on Stage

PebbleCreek Singers Section Leaders meet with Director Kennedy to go over music for the Singers' We Need A Little Christmas Holiday Concert; left to right first row, Norlene Shelton, Altos, Beverly Griggs, Tenors and Basses, Director Gail Kennedy and Nancy Gufstafson, Second Sopranos. Second row, Cecelia Daron, First Sopranos.

Save the date For those who like to plan ahead, here is the Performing Arts schedule for meetings, auditions and productions for fall 2014 and production dates for spring 2015. Fall 2014 PC Players: September 20, Saturday: Opening Day of ticket sales for Mama Won’t Fly; 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. in the Renaissance Theatre. After…

Kare Bears announces elected officers for 2014-2015

Care Bears Officers and Directors for the coming year are seated from left to right: Communications Director Sue White, President Mary McMahon, Health and Wellness Director Mary Lou Frisbie; Standing: CFO/Treasurer Rod Grabau, Corporate Secretary Myla Houle, Program Director Tom Bashwiner, First Vice President Corrine Adams and Second Vice President Tom Meek.

Care Bears Officers and Directors for the coming year are seated from left to right: Communications Director Sue White, President Mary McMahon, Health and Wellness Director Mary Lou Frisbie; Standing: CFO/Treasurer Rod Grabau, Corporate Secretary Myla Houle, Program Director Tom Bashwiner, First Vice President Corrine Adams and Second Vice President Tom Meek.

See you in September

Brenda Hyman “When the summer’s through—.” The Shalom Club meetings, events and fun begin again in September. Our members have been vacationing, enjoying the sunshine and keeping cool but are now eager to get back into the swing of things. A jam packed and awe inspiring agenda is on tap for the next four months.…