Goodtime Gals – December 2014

Pat Atkinson A Holiday Luncheon organized by the PebbleCreek GoodTime Gals will be held on Wednesday, December 10, 2014. All gals who live in PebbleCreek are invited to come and join in the fun. The doors to the Chianti Room at our Tuscany Falls Clubhouse will open at 11:00 a.m. with music by Kathy Mitchell…

Have you seen these guys?

The PebbleRock Band

The guys in the PebbleRock band, all members of PebbleCreek, have been very busy since everyone got back into town in October. They have played at several private parties, twice at Augie’s, and at Goodyear Park. They were a big hit at the Pickleball party and they played twice at the Hot Rod Car Show…

Pet of the Month – December 2014

Call me Princess! I’m called Princess. Most of the time Bill and Kay Jarrett (my people) think whoever named me had a very loose grip on reality. Maybe that’s because they didn’t know me when I was tiny. I’m a rescue dog. My early life was rough and tumble enough to make me leery of…

Veterans’ Voice – December 2014

Art Sloane Did you know that you can make a contribution to a statewide charity to support homeless and in need veterans and reduce your taxes? The qualifying charitable tax credit is a dollar for dollar reduction of your tax liability and it is better than a tax deduction and is available to all Arizona…

Carleton Lee honored

Carleton Lee poses with former Desert Rose teammates. Those who are retired from the league were invited by Ron Glynn to attend the Opening Day ceremonies including Ed Alderete, Bill Anderson, Lloyd Chilton, Don Clark, Fred Cochran, John Flynn, Ron Glynn, Charlie Kagan, Glenn Kennedy, Dave King, Ed Kolton, Jerome Mayone, Larry McMasters, Phil Merrill, Connie Neeley, Dave Nigh, John Say and Chuck Seidel. Also pictured are those former teammates of Carleton who are still active in the league: Jim Beyers, Alan Jones, Dennis Makinen, Jack Mateer, Fred Schmidt and Norm Smith. Tom Bohnke, Gary Minor, Jim Muck and Jim Williams were unable to attend but each wished Carleton hearty congratulations.

Lee Ayers On Opening Day of the 2014-2015 season, October 26, the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association honored one of its original players, Carleton Lee. Carleton began playing with the first team in PebbleCreek, named the Creekers, in 1994. Carleton remained playing as the league expanded to its current 12 teams, playing with the same team,…

Motorcycle owners may now register for handheld RFID tags

Vickie Hamilton As a result of a policy modification authorized by the PebbleCreek HOA Board, PebbleCreek Homeowners and Renters owning motorcycles will now be able to purchase a handheld RFID tag which is particularly convenient for those with motorcycles not equipped with a windshield. Effective immediately, PebbleCreek Homeowners and Renters in good standing with the…