Holiday Mah Jongg brunch and playday

Standing, left to right: Peggy Bjornson, Susan Bentson, Liz Fergione, Jackie Schlenker, Vickie Bangs, Pat Murray, Bonnie Stuto, Diane Galewski, Geri McClindon, Irene Bates, Diana Hull and Barb Chilton; seated: Sharon Johnson, Pat DeMatties, Virginia Kitchel and Sue White

Every December Barb Chilton and Sharon Johnson invite friends from various Mah Jongg groups that they play with to one of their homes for a Holiday Brunch and Mah Jongg play. Sixteen ladies attended the event at the home of Barb Chilton. Brunch was served with salad, quiche and fresh fruit along with mimosas. Afterwards…

State Parties planned at PebbleCreek

We look forward to seeing you at the best state party in PebbleCreek! Members of the eighteenth annual Wisconsin Party Planning Committee are ready to party! Seated left to right: Dan Borreson, Ruth Price, Maryann Bose, Sue White, Shelley Borreson and Jackie Horton; standing: Pat Jenson, Jim Sulzer, Ann Sulzer, Trish Watkins, Tom Bose and Pat Watkins.

Colorado – April 18 Mark your calendars for April 18, 2015, for the biggest Colorado BBQ you have ever attended! At our own PebbleCreek Sunset Park, located on the PC Eagle’s Nest side, there will be a BBQ to remember! With live entertainment and all you can eat: three smoked meats, four vegetables, three cast…

Common area landscape maintenance

Vickie Hamilton Early spring through the end of summer are major landscape growth periods in the Southwest and can be quite a challenge for maintenance landscapers. Preserving and maintaining the HOA’s investment in landscape and enhancing the community’s appearance is an ongoing process that requires constant diligence. The HOA’s Director of Common Area and Golf…

Employee Spotlight – February 2015

Chef Bernardo Alvear (left) receives award from PCHOA President John Kiekbusch.

Vickie Hamilton What makes a good chef? Ask the Food & Beverage employees at PebbleCreek and they will tell you it’s someone who, besides the obvious, cooks well, also has a positive attitude, energy, is naturally friendly and service oriented. Another quality, often overlooked, is the ability to teach those around them in a respectful…

Paul White, 104, honored as special deputy

Sheriff Joe Arpaio honors Paul White

Congratulations to PebbleCreek resident Paul White who celebrated his 104th birthday in December! To commemorate the event, Paul was sworn in as a Special Deputy by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The Sheriff and Paul had met recently at the Republican Club of PebbleCreek dinner honoring veterans. Sheriff Joe invited Paul to his office to…