Kevens Corner – April 2015

Keven Pauling Harvest Citrus Trees Fruit will last longer on the tree, so leave it as long as you can; remove what you don’t want or can’t eat. Remember, your local food shelter will always take the fruit as long as it’s in good shape. It’s still okay to fertilize your trees if you haven’t…

Art Club history (continued)

Sherri Heitz On January 24, 1997, the PebbleCreek Art Club started a series of art classes in different mediums with local and out of state artists and we carry on that tradition to this day! At one time the small group of 12 journeyed to the studio of Nancy Clauss in Scottsdale to view a…

Italian American Club news

PC Italian Club members and guests enjoying the abundant selections at the February Regional Cooking Day! Mangiare!

March was another busy month for members of the PebbleCreek Italian American Club. At the business meeting on Wednesday, March 11, 2015, the annual board election took place. The new board: Ken Minichiello – President, Mary Flynn – Vice President, Bob Cleland – continues as Treasurer, Pat Atkinson – Secretary, and Rich Veleta – Sergeant…