What’s wrong with this picture?

Have you enjoyed taking pictures, but sometimes found yourself frustrated with the results? You may have checked out sites like www.olgatopchii.com and been inspired by the photos that photographers have taken. But when it comes to what you create, somehow the lighting was wrong, the composition was off, the picture was out of focus or…

Rug Hookers attend workshop

Sally Holmboe, Priscilla Sharp and June Bennett display their project.

Karen Lubahn Three members of the Rug Hookers of PebbleCreek recently attended a four day workshop in the Westgate area. Sally Holmboe, Priscilla Sharp and June Bennett along with twelve other women from Arizona and California convened for the session with nationally recognized teacher Diane Stoffel who is especially recognized for her expertise in the…

Bridge Results

PC Duplicate Bridge (Sanctioned) Kathy Bergman 30 players from PebbleCreek traveled to Mesa for The annual Roadrunner Senior Regional which was held April 6– to 12. Congratulations to all the players for their event wins and earning master points. Additional congratulations to Enid Bross for receiving her Silver Life Master going over 1000 master points.…

Card Scores

Cribbage Club Gary Lind Want to beat the heat and stay cool for a couple of hours during the summer? Come and join the Cribbage Club. The Cribbage Club meets twice monthly, the first Thursday and the third Friday. We meet at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room at Tuscany Falls. The Cribbage Club is…

PC Irish American Club gives back to the community

Rob Risden (right) presents check to Sherilyn Holman of the SW Lending Closet.

Susan Kice Food. Fun. Fellowship—and at the same time giving back to the community. What a wonderful combination. The Irish American Club does just that by holding five benefit dinners a year—all proceeds going to the Agua Fria Food Bank. In total almost $2000 has been donated this past year, thanks to the generosity of…