State Parties

Oregon-Idaho Picnic

Sunday, March 20 was perfect for an afternoon in the park! No wind, no rain and not too hot. This was just what was ordered when the Oregon-Idaho picnic was planned months ago.

Food and drink were plentiful. College allegiances were clearly displayed in table décor and this was impetus for lots of discussions. Connections were made. Several people who now live in PebbleCreek discovered that they graduated from the same Oregon high school. Rotarians found other Rotarians. Some new property owners found that their PebbleCreek neighbor is also their Oregon neighbor!

Plans are already underway for Oregon-Idaho Picnic 2017 that will include the traditional trivia games as well as an auction to raise funds for one of our many local charities. Who knew we had an auctioneer among us? Stay tuned for details!

Pennsylvanians enjoy themselves during cocktail hour prior to dinner.

Pennsylvanians enjoy themselves during cocktail hour prior to dinner.

Pennsylvania People Party

Susan Kice

After a hiatus of eight years Pennsylvanians gathered on April 3, 2016, to celebrate their connections to the great state of Pennsylvania. Sixty-five people enjoyed an excellent Italian buffet dinner in the Chianti Room presented by and attended to beautifully by our own Food & Beverage personnel. Every little detail was closely monitored and adhered to. Bill Greenhoot entertained guests prior to dinner with accordion music—including some lively polkas as part of his repertoire. Priscilla Naworski led the group in some get acquainted activities, including a Pennsylvania trivia quiz and “how well can you communicate without talking?” We actually did quite well on that. Tom Winter was the winner of “Guess how many jelly beans are in the jar?” His prize—well, the jelly beans, of course! Door prizes were awarded to nine lucky winners. In addition to Priscilla, Kathy Gorchesky, Joanne Benz, Carole Garrett and Susan Kice comprised the rest of the planning committee. It was great seeing old friends from Pennsylvania as well as meeting newcomers with ties to Pennsylvania. Each guest was able to further designate their connection to Pennsylvania with additional stickers on their name tags, i.e. spouse, schooled, lived, worked etc. Hopefully we will not have to wait another eight years to have our next Pennsylvania Party as a number of guests have already expressed their willingness to plan and organize “Celebrate Pennsylvania 2017!”