Pat Ingalls Dancing with the PebbleCreek Stars returns in January as professional dancing coaches pair up with six local volunteers to display their newly acquired choreography and costuming in competition for PebbleCreek’s version of a mirror-ball trophy. The fifth annual event takes place Friday, January 29 beginning at 6:00 p.m. with a no-host cash bar…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Dancing stars sparkle in Tuscany Falls ballroom
Generals, November 2015
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek
Lifelong Learning in full swing Check your calendar. Have you reserved the following November dates? Visit the website for complete details and contact information for purchasing tickets or reserving space; You can also plan ahead for additional lectures, classes, trips and special events in December 2015 and January – April 2016. Lectures November 2:…
Features, November 2015
In memory of Violet Kaounis
Shawnee Robison Like mother, like daughter—Miss Angelique Kaounis gave us all a wonderful look back at her marvelous mother, Violet! With a moving picture film starting from 1942, we enjoyed some very special moments in her life. The Celebration of Life took place in the Chianti Room at PebbleCreek on Saturday, October 3 at 3:00…
November 2015
Unit Happenings
Unit Rep meeting notice The next Unit Rep meeting will take place Monday, November 9, 2015, at 9:00 a.m. and will feature an update from Sherry Gonzales on the progress of the Strategic Planning Committee’s Community Meetings. Gregg Clymer, HOA Unit Rep Board Liaison, will give his monthly report. Unit Rep meetings provide a forum…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
Other Card Scores
Cribbage Club Gary Lind The Cribbage Club meets twice monthly, the first Thursday and the third Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room at Tuscany Falls; also we have added extra playing days so check with one of the contacts below or attend one of our meetings for our complete schedule. The club is…
Clubs & Classes, November 2015
GoodTime Gals news
Pat Atkinson All women who live in PebbleCreek are members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an email to send you news and announcements. To be added to our email list contact us at pcgoodtimegals@gmail with your name, address and phone number.…