Julie Gilbert Pollard art class set for January 21

Sherri Heitz The PebbleCreek Art Club is offering a class by Julie Gilbert Pollard, author of three North Light Books, Watercolor Unleashed, Adventures in Oil Painting and Brilliant Color. Julie has taught watercolor and oil classes for over 25 years and presents the necessary nuts and bolts material in a logical, practical manner. She provides loads…

P.E.O. “Books ’n Lunch” event

Donna Welsh Chapter DM, P.E.O. is presenting our fifth scholarship benefit, Books ‘N Lunch, to be held at Christ Presbyterian Church, 925 N. Sarival Avenue on Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. Many members of Chapter DM reside in PebbleCreek. This year we will have two speakers. Rhys Bowen is a New York Times best-selling…

Up, up and away with the members of Arizona Q, a Goodyear chapter of the National T.T.T. Society

Penny Schneider, AZ Q On Saturday, March 12, 2016, the Tuscany Falls Ballroom will be festively decorated to welcome our guests to our fourth annual Fashion Show and Luncheon. Dillard’s is once again cooperatively working with us to present their 2016 Spring Fashion Line. Jeff March, the Arrowhead store manager, has met with the co-chairs…

Author of caregiving dementia book to speak on January 16

Rayma Scalzo Our Alzheimer/Dementia Caregiver Discussion Group is fortunate to have a special presentation by Judy Towne Jennings on Saturday, January 16 at 9:30 a.m. She will speak about her caregiving experiences and her book, Lewy Body Dementia, One Caregiver’s Personal In-Depth Experience. In 2003, Judy’s husband became forgetful and unable to do the math…

Rug Hookers annual Christmas party highlights

Dee-Dee Patrick Once again Karen Bogadi was kind enough to open the doors to her home for the holiday festivities. Over twenty members of the group were in attendance. The luncheon began with a toast to the holidays with champagne to which fresh pomegranates had been added. The entrée consisted of five different homemade soups…