PCM9GA correction

An incorrect caption was given for the photo above in the January issue on page 68. The corrected caption reads: From left are Luanne Brown, John Brown, JoAnne Clements, Ray Clements, President PCM9GA, Sandy Wold, Pat Moore, Maryanne Skirnick, Jack Skirnick, Doug Wainwright, Linda Shaver and Steve Shaver.

McGinnis receives national golf superintendent award

Paul McGinnis, PebbleCreek’s Director of Golf Course Maintenance

Pat Ingalls The Golf Course Superintendents Association of America (GCSAA) plans to bestow one of its highest honors on Paul McGinnis, CGCS (Certified Golf Course Superintendent) at a ceremony February 9 at the association’s annual Golf Industry Show in San Diego. McGinnis, Director of Golf Course Maintenance for PebbleCreek, is one of three honorees slated…

Republican Club notice

Left to right: Bari Cavallo, vice president, Helen Purcell, county treasurer, Linda Migliore, president, Liz Gibson, PR chair

Liz Gibson The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed members and invited guests to their monthly meeting Thursday, January 7 in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. During the 6:30 p.m. Social Time the over 100 attendees were given beans to be placed in jars designated for each of the Republican presidential candidates. Every month beans will be added…

Comment card winner

Melissa Gonzales (left) presents a gift certificate to Di Week.

Melissa Gonzales PebbleCreek’s Di Week is the December PebbleCreek comment card winner! You may ask, what did she win and why? She filled out a comment card after dining at one of PebbleCreek’s restaurants, making her eligible for the drawing. Melissa Gonzales, Director of Food and Beverage, recently awarded Ms. Week with a certificate for…