PC Hiking Club Diary

PC Hikers hit the beach Lynn Warren What better way to end summer exploratory hiking than to head for the beach. On September 17, five PebbleCreek hikers finished a hot nine mile hike through the Morgan City Wash area by taking a break on the rocky shore of Lake Pleasant. While not exactly the ocean,…

Pickleball Club ladders and novice instruction

Ladder Captain Lou Drinovsky and Master Novice Trainer Art House talk about the various paddles that are now available to players.

Pancho Epstein With most of the snowbirds comfortably landing in October, the PebbleCreek Pickleball Club’s winter agenda is off and running at warp speed. The biggest ongoing pickleball events are the weekly Ladies’ (Thursdays) and Gentlemen’s (Fridays) Ladders. Participating players are placed in groups of four according to rank. Each group plays three games to…

State Parties

California Get ready for the aftershock! Wax your surf boards, lace up your roller blades and grab your hula hoops for the California State Party, rockin’ and rollin’ its way to PebbleCreek on Sunday, March 6, 2016. We will have Melissa Kallet to emcee and what a line-up she will introduce: * Some of the…

A salute to Veterans November 11

Join us Wednesday, November 11, Veterans Day, at 4:00 p.m. in the Renaissance Theatre as we say thank you and remember the brave men and women who are serving or have served our country. The program will feature a presentation of the colors, the Pledge of Allegiance, singing of patriotic songs—including the five branches of…

Eagle’s Nest Christmas Caroling for shut-ins

Ted and Thelma Lindhorn The annual Christmas Caroling for the Eagle’s Nest shut-ins has been scheduled for Thursday, December 3, 2015. All those interested in participating in this event are asked to call Ted and Thelma Lindhorn at 536-5584 or Dean and Patti Wegehaupt at 536-7233 to get their name on the list. As in…