Are you tired of being sick and tired?

Are you drinking more and enjoying it less?

Does it seem like you are more impatient with your spouse and others?

Are loved ones telling you that you “seem to change” after you’ve been drinking.

Have you taken a fall and been injured after a few friendly cocktails?

Do you go around telling your doctor and friends that you only have a couple of glasses of wine per day?

Do you wake up thinking about what and when you will drink today?

Is alcohol part of almost every daily function you engage in?

Are you becoming more and more isolated and depressed because you are too drunk or hung over to want to do anything?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions you are probably an alcoholic.

Get your life, your health and your family back.

We will help and support your recovery to a happy sober life.

Join us at one of our PebbleCreek Alcoholics Anonymous meetings:

Tuesday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Milan Room at Tuscany Falls

Friday morning from 11:00 a.m. to noon in room 100 across from the Activities Office in Eagle’s Nest

Or call Al Hoxie at 623-398-4600 for more information.