Carolyn Suttles There was an aura of peace and unity on January 18 in the Renaissance Theatre at Tuscany Falls. Just Folks Association, in partnership with Lifelong Learning, presented an inspirational program celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Mistress of Ceremony Sandria Simmons introduced Just Folks President Jerome Sims. He…
Clubs & Classes, March 2016
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Take Up The Battle”
Clubs & Classes, March 2016
“Saluti di” greetings from the Italian American Club
Judi Rizzetto Members of the PebbleCreek Italian American Club are having a busy winter and spring with all of the following activities going on: February 14 Regional Cooking Day March 12 Goodyear Ballpark Spring Training Day March 19 St. Joseph’s Day Picnic March 20 Italian Festival of Arizona (in Scottsdale) April 4 the Ninth Day…
Features, March 2016
Thank You, Friends
Rod and Linda Grabau We would like to send a very special thank you to everyone in PebbleCreek that purchased a 2016 Entertainment Book to support the Stable Influence Horse Therapy Program fundraiser. With your help, we were able to donate $1,457 to this wonderful organization. Our 15-year-old special needs granddaughter, Katelyn, enjoys going to…
Features, March 2016
Patrol Report
Patrol Dispatched Alarms response 7 Animal rules violations 9 Burglary 1 Complaint Reports, Green Cards 26 Damaged property 2 Debris on road 5 Disturbance 2 Flag rule violation 0 Flat tire assistance 1 Gate malfunctions 12 Golf cart rules 1 Golf cart tow 13 Homeowner/Guest assistance 16 Home vacation watch 395 Illegal gate entry 3…
Features, March 2016
January winner!
Communications Team for Melissa Gonzales PebbleCreek’s own Laurie Helker is the January 2016 PebbleCreek comment card winner! Laurie filled out a comment card after dining at Toscana’s lounge, making her eligible for the drawing. Melissa Gonzales, Director of Food and Beverage, recently awarded her with a certificate for dinner for two at either Eagle’s Nest…
Features, March 2016
In Passing
Robert (Bob) Sherman Robert Sherman was born on December 2, 1927, to Nathalie and Henry Sherman who were the foundation of the man he became. Raised with five brothers Hank, Al, Jerry, George, Patrick and a sister Dorothy, family is what Bob cherished and over the course of his life, innumerable friends also became his…