Pet Companions Club holiday celebration

This Border Collie wants to help decorate .

Marge Ellison Pet lovers, whether Pet Companions Club members or not, are invited to join us on Thursday, December 3 for our annual Holiday Celebration. We will meet at 3:00 p.m. in the home of our Treasurer Mollie McErlean, 16114 W Fairmount Avenue, Tuscany Falls. If you are new to PebbleCreek, or are unfamiliar with…

Irish American Club presents upcoming events

Susan Kice The first meeting of the PebbleCreek Irish American Club was held in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on October 13. Various activities for the upcoming year were outlined by President John Pugsley. Included in these exciting events will be the first Home Hosted Benefit dinner of the year to be held at the home…

Day tripping from PebbleCreek – finding paradise

Lance Motta-Vilensky Life after death is a basic tenet of Christianity: spending eternity in a place called paradise. Spanish colonists wanted to share their vision of paradise with the native peoples of New Spain. So it was that in the year 1691, Jesuits established a mission in the land of the O’odham (or Pima) near…

Hello, Dolly, to our Shalom Club

Sandy Mednick and Martha Bergman are ready to climb aboard!

Brenda Hyman Dateline—October 11, 2:00 p.m. PebbleCreek’s Shalom Club is on the dock at Canyon Lakes waiting for the Dolly Steamboat ride to shove off the pier. 45 plus members went a-boating on this beautiful Sunday afternoon. We saw a bald eagle (a very rare sight) as well as a big horn sheep. Beautiful photos,…

Home at last

Heavy rains made for a great opportunity to fill buckets and give the rigs a good dowsing.

Jim East Now that the snowbirds are flocking back to the Valley of the Sun, we can share the trip report from the RV Club that took six rigs on a more intimate itinerary than usual. Departing on May 17, the crew utilized the discounts from Passport America and camped just outside of Wilcox, Arizona,…