Pet of the Month

Gunnar loves his toys Stanleigh Chism Hi there! My name is Gunnar. You may see me taking my dad on his morning walks on the Eagle’s Nest side of PebbleCreek. I am an Ori Pei. I bet you have never heard of that dog breed, have you? We have been around for about forty years.…

Let the games begin! Tennis Club in full swing

Rana Cukierski Friday, October 2 was a busy morning. The sun was shining and skies were clear. The ice chests were loaded and set up at 7:00 a.m. at Eagle’s Nest patio by the “ice man,” Dan Schimmelpfennig and his “ice cube” helpers. Jeanne Schimmelpfennig was picking up donuts and orange juice as her “village…

PC Hiking Club Diary

Left to right: Ed Bobigian, Bill Halte, Pete Williams and Marilyn Reynolds enjoying a leisurely lunch on the colorful rocks in Black Canyon Wash at Bumble Bee.

Lynn Warren On September 7, four PebbleCreek hikers continued to challenge the Arizona heat with a hike along slick rock and colorful rock formations in Black Canyon Wash at Bumble Bee. The club continued its record setting pace on this hike when Pete Williams passed 1,000 miles, only the fourth member to log this many…

Taking better pictures

The impact of afternoon lighting

Bill Raymond My wife and I take lots of pictures when we are on vacation. One of the major reasons for this is to preserve the memory of some of the beautiful places we visit. Sometimes two weeks after we return we have a hard time remembering the details of where we’ve been. We also…

Service dog trainer to speak October 7

Bella with Lynn Holzner

Marge Ellison The Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek is pleased to have as our speakers at our October 7 meeting Lynn Holzner, President and Director of Training for Leashes for Living Assistance Dog School and his wife, Terri. A 501(c)3 non-profit organization located in Tonopah, Arizona, the organization is dedicated to training service dogs to…

Miracle on the Salt River

Wild Horses provide a picturesque background for this photo of PC Singles Club members Jackie Havranek and Rosemary Vana during one of the more peaceful moments of their recent tubing trip on the Salt River.

Pat Milich Skies were grey that early September day when five fearless female members of the PebbleCreek Singles Club ventured out into the Lower Salt River rapids in beautiful Tonto National Forest near Mesa. Conversation during the car ride to the river mostly centered around the phone calls from overprotective offspring intent upon lecturing parents…