Calling all ushers

It’s that time of year—this is an open call for all current ushers and anyone else who would like to be part of the volunteer Usher Team for Activities Office events in the Renaissance Theatre. All interested, including current ushers, need to fill out a current “Request to Usher for the Activities Office” form, available…

PCM9GA Summer Sizzler

Left to right: Ray Clements, Charlie Wiley, Dave Kennedy, Chris Jeans, Dave Lanigan, Monte Page, John Craven, Randy Prinz, Greg Ray and Peter Caviolo; not in photo, Richard Rippe and Chris Mucha

Erv Stein For a few years now, our PCM9GA has held Summer Sizzler events late in the summer dog-days and this August 25 event was certainly not by any means a Fizzler and surely met everyone’s expectations for starters. The tournament format, which was a normal Scramble format, was somewhat initially suspect since of all…

PCM9GA – 4 Corners highlights

Erv Stein With many of our PCM9GA snowbird members still widely dispersed and away from the now becoming more tolerable Arizona climate, well over 50 of our usually highly charged PCM9GA members teed off at our Eagle’s Nest front nine course, utilizing still another interesting tournament format entitled 4 Corners. Utilizing this somewhat different 4…

A meeting about your HOA money

Beverly Bonich Everyone is invited to the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom on October 14 at 6:00 p.m. to discuss MONEY. The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the Board’s plans to rehab the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse and where the money will come from. Bob Parks will do a presentation regarding the PebbleCreek finances, specifically the…