Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming Events At PebbleCreek

Thursday, June 9 – Arcosanti Tour and Lunch in Cottonwood Bus Trip; on sale now at Activities; $99 per person; cash/check only Friday, June 10 – TV Dinner Game Night Summer Safari Dance announced! Thursday, June 9; Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. Music by Thaddeus Rose! On sale May 10 at the Activities Office,…

Beat the Pro Tournament

Randy Prinz It was a cool and breezy morning to start the Putters Club Beat the Pro Tournament. Betty Ann was at the check-in table to help get us all organized and did a fine job as usual. Jason explained the rules as the breezes started blowing and rustling the trees. The winners were to…

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news

Par Tee Falls First Place, left to right: Dan and Pam Grimwood and Marlene and Jim Calder

Suzanne Butler The PebbleCreek Men and Lady Niners enjoyed their annual Mixer on April 14. This year’s event was hosted by the PC Men’s Nine-Hole league and the guys did a great job in organizing the event and making sure the weather was perfect! Players were paired up with both men and ladies on each…

Jim Haas and Andrew Haas win 2016 PCMGA Member/Guest

Member-Guest Match Play Format Flight Winners, left to right: Jim Haas, Andrew Haas, Mark Schaffer, Bill Schaffer, Bruce Grout and John Birds

Howie Tiger Jim Haas and his son Andrew Haas were the overall Match Play Format winners of the 2016 PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association twenty-first annual Member/Guest Tournament. The tourney was held on Thursday, April 28 at Tuscany Falls and on Friday, April 29 at Eagle’s Nest. Immediately after regulation play was concluded on Friday, the…

Charity event check presented to Goodyear Police K-9 Unit

Left to right: K-9 Officer Ben Armstead, Pet Companions Club President Jim Ellison and K-9 Officer Mike Miller with 
his canine partner Toby

Jim Ellison On Sunday, March 6 the Pet Companions Club of PebbleCreek sponsored a well-attended charity golf tournament which raised funds for the City of Goodyear Police Department K-9 Unit. This was the seventh year that this event has been held. Funds were raised through donations, golf entry fees, a raffle and sponsored activities on…