LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

New LLL Board Elected

Patricia Ingalls

LifeLong Learning’s newly elected Board of Directors begins its one-year term this month, reflecting minimal changes from last year’s board. The online election in May revealed unanimous approval of the proposed slate, according to Paul Polk, LLL president.

The 2023-24 board members are:

Paul Polk, President

Doug Jameson, Vice President

Cathy Martell, Secretary

Jeff Edwards, Treasurer

Cathy Lindstrom, Director of Speaker Series

Jill Burnham, Co-Director of Volunteers

Pam O’Shea, Co-Director of Volunteers

Phil Korzilius, Director at Large

Sue Roth, Director of Trips

Marianne Boechler, Director of Classes

Jeff Young, Director of Outreach and Lobby

Tim Pisarski, Director of Marketing and Communications

Live Your Dreams Through Perseverance

Bill Nee

In this month’s TED Talk, record-setting long-distance swimmer, Diana Nyad, writes and thinks deeply about motivation.

In the pitch-black night, stung by box jellyfish, choking on salt water, fighting open-ocean currents, singing to herself, hallucinating … Diana Nyad just kept on swimming. And that’s how she finally achieved her lifetime goal as an athlete: An extreme, 100-mile swim from Cuba to Florida, at age 64.

Hear her story of resolving obstacles in her 53-hour swim of reaching for the horizon. She states that we can face our dreams and achieve them, if we plan, launch an initiative, move forward, and find a way.

To view her persevering 15-minute TED Talk, go to, click “watch” in the header, then “TED Talks,” then in “Search talks” input “Never, ever give up,” scroll a little lower, and click on the talk you selected. Live your dreams.