The PebbleCreek Ladies Who Lunch social group brought lunch and holiday presents to the Goodyear Fire Department on Nov. 14. The ladies thanked the firefighters for their assistance and service given to the PebbleCreek community every day.
Marilu Trainor
The theme for a Nov. 14 lunch sponsored by the PebbleCreek Ladies Who Lunch was Give Thanks to the Goodyear Firefighters, for everything they do for us and their service to our community each day. More than 30 members of the former PebbleCreek Girlfriends Group hosted 20 Goodyear Fire Department personnel for a taco bar, salad, and dessert lunch. The lunch was held at GFD station #185, adjacent to the Tuscany Falls main gate.
The Fire Department personnel, led by Goodyear Fire Chief Paul Luizzi, explained to the attendees the workings of several department community programs and then hosted a tour of the firehouse. Following lunch and the educational program, the ladies presented more than 80 children’s gifts for Goodyear’s “Fill-A-Need Program.” This city-wide program connects families in need with donations from the individuals and groups in the community during the holidays.