Bison sculpture
Sherry Blatner
Happy 4th of July everyone! And for our Canadian friends, I hope you enjoy Canada Day on July 1. Expressions Gallery will be closed on July 4.
I’m sure you want to enhance your collection of red, white, and blue—so head to the Gallery and do some color-specific shopping. I’m not clairvoyant, but we always have some cute gift items for the holiday. We also have some astonishing items representing the Old West, including a bison sculpture!
If you’ve shopped in the Gallery recently, you’ve surely noticed the new layout and wide-open spaces between displays. It is now a physically enjoyable shopping experience as well as a rewarding one.
Before I forget, hold the following date: Saturday, Dec. 3, is set for the annual Holiday Fest when each studio becomes a shopping mecca for your gifts needs and wants. Meanwhile, browse the Gallery and the showcase windows in the Creative Arts Center for a vast and ever-changing selection of gift items for yourself, family, and friends.
If you have children visiting during these hot summer months, I always recommend a preemptive bribe. Take them to the Gallery, let them choose a gift item, and then tell them that good behavior earns a reward! Should work like a charm. Girls will fall in love with doll clothes or jewelry. Boys should like a piece of glass or ceramic to showcase their treasured stuff.
Now, don’t forget to treat yourself well once the family has left. Grab some friends, and shop and lunch in the Creek. Be sure to enjoy a token gift to yourself—jewelry always works!