Henry Tom The PebbleCreek Gun Club presents NRA Refuse To Be A Victim Seminar This seminar is open to all PebbleCreek residents and their guests. Millions of violent and property crimes are committed annually. Safety experts agree the single most important step toward ensuring your personal safety is making the conscious decision to Refuse To…
Category: September 2015
Generals, September 2015
Kare Bears Korner

Mark your calendar to buy tickets for November fall luncheon Ticket sales for Kare Bears 2015 Fall Luncheon, Celebrating 20 Years, will begin on Wednesday, September 30 from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. This is a change of location for the first day of sales. The committee asks residents purchasing multiple…
Generals, September 2015
Mark Your Calendar – Upcoming events at PebbleCreek
September 3 – Bus trip to see Wicked at Gammage Theater; 2:00 p.m. matinee; sold out Friday, September 11 – Autumn Sock Hop Dance featuring Thaddeus Rose at Eagle’s Nest Ballroom; on sale now at Activities; cash or check only, $10 Saturday, September 12 – Teen Idols Concert – on sale now online and at Activities (rescheduled…
Generals, September 2015
Upcoming library events
Nancy Stevenson Come join us at the Litchfield Park Branch Library for the following upcoming events. Investment Fraud Friday, September 4, 11:00 a.m. Learn how to identify investment fraud. Terri Alexon, Investment Education Coordinator from the Maricopa County Attorney’s Office will be our presenter. Celebration Mexican Independence Tuesday, September 15, 4:00 p.m. Join us for…
Clubs & Classes, September 2015
PC Hiking Club Diary

Lynn Warren On July 30, just another triple digit day, seven PC hikers ventured cross town to the Hackamore Trailhead and completed a scenic nine mile meander through some very interesting terrain in the Goldfield Mountains (including seeing a mountain sheep). The Goldfields are part of Tonto National Forest and are a rugged and colorful…
Sports, September 2015
PCMGA holds 2015 Summer Sizzler Tournament

Howie Tiger The PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association held its annual Summer Sizzler tournament on Wednesday and Thursday, July 15 and 16. The first round was conducted on our Eagle’s Nest course and the final round on our Lakes/Falls course at Tuscany. The format was individual stroke play with gross and net winners awarded. The players…
Sports, September 2015
Summer tennis news

Rana Cukierski Summer is winding down and soon our snowbird tennis buddies will be returning to PebbleCreek. The summer heat and humidity has been intense as usual and early morning tennis is active on the courts. Good exercise and playing with friends in good competitive spirit is always satisfying and fun. Although, I do hear…
Clubs & Classes, September 2015
A rim to rim hike of the Grand Canyon

Fred Carlson On May 29 two PebbleCreek residents and biking companions Walt Heitz and Fred Carlson completed a 24 mile hike from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to the South Rim. Along with Walt and Fred were 23 friends and running companions from Fred’s home town of Geneva, Illinois. These flatlanders had been…
Generals, September 2015
Blood donation opportunity
Goodyear, Arizona — American Red Cross heroes come in all shapes and sizes. They don’t wear capes or special suits and their badge of honor is the bandage that shows they gave the gift of life. The Red Cross encourages eligible donors to become hometown heroes and answer the call of patients in need by…
Generals, September 2015
Patrol report
Patrol Dispatched Alarms response 8 Animal rules violations 4 Bees complaint 1 Complaint reports, Green Cards 21 Debris on road 9 Disturbance 1 Flag rule violation 1 Disabled vehicle 1 Gate malfunctions 4 Golf cart rules 1 Golf Cart tow 8 Homeowner/guest assistance 10 Home vacation watch 791 Jump start 18 Lost animal call 6…