A rim to rim hike of the Grand Canyon

Fred Carlson, left, with three friends from Illinois and Walt Heitz, right, taken back at PebbleCreek the following day

Fred Carlson, left, with three friends from Illinois and Walt Heitz, right, taken back at PebbleCreek the following day

Fred Carlson

On May 29 two PebbleCreek residents and biking companions Walt Heitz and Fred Carlson completed a 24 mile hike from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon to the South Rim. Along with Walt and Fred were 23 friends and running companions from Fred’s home town of Geneva, Illinois. These flatlanders had been training for several months for the ascents and descents of the canyon that were difficult to duplicate in Chicago. They arrived at the North Rim the day before and spent the night. For many of the hikers, this was their first visit to the canyon. After a restless night, they began their hike at 5:00 a.m. with temperatures in the mid 40s. They soon separated into several groups of three to six hikers each, some choosing to hike aggressively and others slowing their pace to admire the beauty of the canyon. As they reached the bottom of the canyon near the historic Phantom Ranch, temperatures were in the high 90s and climbing. They picked up a box lunch there and continued on. Meanwhile, Fred’s wife Pam hiked down the South Rim to Indian Gardens to surprise the hikers with a banner to sign and offered much appreciated encouragement for the hikers’ final and steep 4.5 mile ascent to the top of the South Rim. All hikers completed the 24 mile hike within 10 to 16 hours with no injuries or illnesses and water to spare!