The March financial results show that the overall revenue was 0.5% unfavorable to budget. Food & Beverage and Arts & Crafts departments fell short of the planned revenue targets for the month. New home closings were positive with 16 including 8 villas for the month of March and a year to date total of 42…
Category: June 2017
Sports, June 2017
Bocce players celebrate end of another successful year

Mollie McErlean Registrations for the fall 2017 Bocce season are now being accepted on a first come, first served basis. Popularity of the sport, especially since two night leagues were added last year, is prompting the PebbleCreek Bocce Association Board of Directors to keep a close watch over the number of registrations already pouring in…
Sports, June 2017
Tennis Club: Focus on Flynn

Susie Anderson We tennis players of PebbleCreek would be lost if it were not for the guidance and talents of our tournament director. John schedules tournaments and socials, hosts inter club tournaments, runs drills and rating sessions and all the details involved. I interviewed him to see how he does it so smoothly and as…
Front Page, June 2017
22nd Softball season concludes

Fred Dresser What a season! Thirteen teams, 156 players, 468 games. The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) 2016-2017 softball season just concluded their 22nd year of play with Questar Capital capturing both the league championship and tournament championship. Questar out performed 12 other teams on the way to their two championships with an impressive season…
Sports, June 2017
PC Putters Club May tournaments

Maureen Campbell A little competition is always healthy and fun! In May, the members of the PebbleCreek Putters Club competed in two special tournaments. On May 3, 18 unique holes were arranged on the Tuscany Falls upper and lower putting greens with 200 boulders, palm trees, sand traps and water holes for the Member/Member Tournament.…
Clubs & Classes, June 2017
Mah Jongg winner: first time is the charm

Johanna Kaufman The eleventh annual PebbleCreek Mahjongg Tournament was held on April 20 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. For first time entrant and top winner Janie Meckler, “the first time was the charm.” She won out over 47 other players to take first place, followed by second place winner Barb Chilton and Joann Pagano who…
Sports, June 2017
PCL9GA hosts spring “Par-Tee” event

Pat Kaer Installation of Officers On April 25 the Lady Niners installed the officers for the 2017-2018 season. After golf the installation ceremony was held. The old officers passed a rose to the new officers. Members of the new board are Patty Greene, president, Barbara Hockert, president elect, Melissa D’Onofrio, secretary and Lorene Greer, treasurer.…
Sports, June 2017
PCMGA Member/Guest Match-Play Cort Wyss and Larry Mickelson win

Howie Tiger Cort Wyss and his guest Larry Mickelson were the overall Match Play Format winners of the 2017 PebbleCreek Men’s Golf Association 22nd annual Member/Guest Tournament. The tourney was held on Thursday, April 27 at Tuscany Falls and on Friday, April 28 at Eagle’s Nest. Immediately after regulation play was concluded on Friday the…
Features, June 2017
In Passing

Maureen Elizabeth Clark Kellie Stafford Maureen Elizabeth Clark: Born October 14, 1947 in Chicago, Illinois passed away suddenly from a heart attack on May 1, 2017. Her family moved from Minnesota to California in 1960. After many years in California she and her husband Gerald spent two years working on the Kwajalein Atoll in the…
Clubs & Classes, June 2017
Roadrunners Corvette Club roadtrip to Canyon Lakes

Ron Miller and Ted Jensen This sound was heard once again as the Goodyear and PebbleCreek Roadrunners Corvette Club hit the road for another great spring road rally. Saturday, April 8. Twenty-six of us in 13 corvettes rallied single file to the quaint little outpost of Tortilla Flats hidden in the Superstition Mountains. After enjoying…