David Zapatka Last month’s column on “negentropy” elicited this response from a reader, “My thermodynamics class was at 8 a.m. and I slept through that particular law. Thanks for the review albeit a little late to do anything with it.” There’s an art to scheduling university classes and avoiding 8 a.m. classes was one of…
Category: Features
Features, May 2021
In Passing

Larry Conrad Aamodt Larry Conrad Aamodt passed away peacefully with his wife, Pat, and daughter Riki, at his side on March 24, 2021. He was born in Rolette, N.D. to Mabel and John Aamodt on Dec. 3, 1944. The youngest of five children, Raymond Aamodt (deceased), Robert Aamodt (deceased), Marvin Aamodt (deceased), and Jeanette McBain. Larry graduated from…
Features, May 2021
Artist of the Glass Club: Susan Herriford

Karla Heinz For as long as I can remember, art has been part of my life with early memories of finding happiness in paint by number canvases. I have enjoyed exploring many mediums including oil painting, tole painting, cake decorating, ceramics, cross-stitch, and embroidery. While living in Alaska, I fell in love with paper arts…
Features, May 2021
Woodcarver of the Month: Ron Netzer

Larry Matney Ron Netzer is the PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club woodcarver of the month for February. Ron tends to give his carvings to family and friends. Ron moved to PebbleCreek in February 2006 from the Chicago area. A carving club member, Al Collesano, invited Ron to join the club many times, but he was intimidated by the…
Features, May 2021
Artist of the Month: Pottery Club: Nan Osterholt

Jeff Wilson The PebbleCreek Pottery Sculpture Club featured artist for May is Nan Osterholt. Nan came to PebbleCreek from Sacramento where she retired from nursing. Nan went back to school after retiring and earned a degree in art. She then spent 12 years making pottery and volunteering in the art department at Sacramento City College.…
Features, May 2021
Artist of the Month: Art Club: Diane Greeneich

Loretta Pruett, AOTM co-chair The PebbleCreek Art Club is pleased to recognize Diane Greeneich as our Artist of the Month for May 2021. Known for her innovative work in pastel and watercolor, the inspiration for Diane’s many paintings comes from her world travels and her professional life. A native Californian, she grew up near the beach…
Features, May 2021
PC Live On Stage

‘Calendar Girls’ Still Rehearsing! Laurie Farquhar It’s more than a year into the pandemic, but the cast of PC Players’ next production, Calendar Girls, is optimistic that they will present this show in the Renaissance Theater in the not-too-distant future. This hilarious and heartwarming comedy was originally scheduled to open in October 2020, and the 14-member cast…
Features, May 2021
Pet of the Month: Meet Truman Jeffries

Larry Jeffries Truman Jeffries is a new resident from Missouri. He has adapted well and loves his new life. He looks forward to his daily walks and especially meeting new friends at the dog park. He enjoys his freedom in his fenced backyard and wags his tail at the dogs and their humans who walk on…