International Bee Gees Concert – May 13 Tickets are still available for the 3:00 p.m. show of Saturday Night Fever – The International Bee Gees Show on May 13, 2016, in the Renaissance Theatre. Don’t miss this incredible tribute to the music of the Bee Gees. It’s a sensational production, featuring massive dance hits such as…
Category: May 2016
Generals, May 2016
PebbleCreek friends gather for Easter Social

Pam Smith PebbleCreek friends gather for an Easter Social hosted by Maureen and Lew Richardson. 25 couples play a golf scramble on the Tuscany Falls Palms Course followed by a potluck and Easter ham dinner! A beautiful day, great food and wonderful company of PebbleCreek residents; we are so blessed to live in this community!…
Generals, May 2016
High Holiday services planned

Brenda Hyman Rosh Hashanah Services will again be held in PebbleCreek on Monday, October 3 at 10:00 a.m. in the Tuscany Ballroom. As is our tradition, all those in attendance are invited to join in our Kiddish with traditional sweets/noshes, in the Chianti Room immediately following the service. Kol Nidre Services will be held on…
Generals, May 2016
Have you heard the buzz about Toscana’s?

Susan Knox Wilson Many happy diners say our new chef, new menu and new restaurant manager seem to be stirring things up at Toscana’s. One acknowledgment, from Ken and Carol Hahn, declares: “We ate at Toscana’s last night. There was a full house as many were going to the play. We were told we needed…
Generals, May 2016
State Parties

Oregon-Idaho Picnic Sunday, March 20 was perfect for an afternoon in the park! No wind, no rain and not too hot. This was just what was ordered when the Oregon-Idaho picnic was planned months ago. Food and drink were plentiful. College allegiances were clearly displayed in table décor and this was impetus for lots of…
Generals, May 2016
AEDs save lives
The Kare Bears organization has purchased AED units for the protection of residents and guests at PebbleCreek. Below is a list of locations of the AED units in PebbleCreek. Being able to make quick decisions in an emergency situation can mean giving a stricken person a much better chance of recovery. Eagle’s Nest locations: Clubhouse/Fitness…
Generals, May 2016
And what an Easter service it was

Dave Modderman Our PebbleCreek Community Church Easter service overflowed the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom on Easter Sunday with record attendance. Extra chairs were brought out numerous times for the nearly 300 people who attended. Our guess is that nearly half of the worshippers were Creekers who were visiting. Pastor Dennis Kizziar started the service by expressing…
Generals, May 2016
Large crowds at Golf Expo

The PebbleCreek Golf Team, led by Director of Golf Jason Whitehill, held a Golf Expo March 16 at the Tuscany Falls driving range area. Over 600 attended this amazing event that included a putting contest, a mobile pro shop, golf apparel and equipment vendors and lots of fun. Vendors on hand that day included TaylorMade,…
Generals, May 2016
Wine and Cheese Wednesdays at Portofino
Susan Knox Wilson Quick quiz: What improves with age, is a product of fermentation and reflects the region from which it came? Did you guess your PebbleCreek neighbor? Wrong! It’s wine and cheese! Wine and cheese pairing goes back some 4,000 years and experts claim they are a great match because both are made from…
Generals, May 2016
Kare Bears – annual Spring Fling

Sue White The Kare Bears Board of Directors held its annual Spring Fling event to honor all Kare Bears volunteers on Wednesday, April 13, 2016, at the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. The theme of this year’s event was Take Me Out to the Ballgame. Many of the 135 attendees wore their favorite baseball team’s clothing. Each…