Bocce ball players in the St. Patrick’s Day spirit
Carolyn Rota
On Feb. 25, registration for the spring 2022 bocce session ended. The bocce winter session will end on Friday, March 4. The spring session will start on Tuesday, March 15, and run for seven weeks and end on Friday, April 29. Captains, be sure you have enough players to have six people ready to play each week.
Now is the time of year when the club reaches out to our membership for volunteers to fill board positions. This year, the following two-year term positions need to be filled: president, treasurer, secretary, and statistician. We also are looking for a volunteer to complete the one-year remaining term for publicity. The positions are open to all members. If you’re interested in one of the positions or you wish to nominate someone else (please make sure they want to be nominated), send your or their name and position to both Susan Fallon and Greg McGee by email to [email protected] and [email protected].
You can find descriptions and responsibilities for each role on the Quickscores website at www.Quickscores.com/pebblecreekbocce under downloads/bylaws. Susan and Greg will reach out to each nominee to obtain a list of their qualifications. The elections, by the captains only or by their designated team member, will take place prior to the start of the spring season. We look forward to receiving your nominations.
Note to all captains, there will be a captain’s meeting on March 11 in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom from 9 to 11 a.m.
The latest updates and all the current precautions, rules, and regulations can be found on the Quickscores site.
Since weather can be unpredictable, please check Quickscores for court closures. If it rains and you see bubbles forming under the courts’ rugs, do not play on them, as it will cause damage. This request goes for bocce members’ league play, practice play, and for any PebbleCreek resident who would like to use the courts for personal play.
If you have any questions or need help with QuickScores, contact Bocce President Tom Bose at 602-478-8747.
Finally, we wish everyone a Happy Paddy’s Day, and to all you Joes out there, a blessed St. Joseph’s Day.