Front row: Sandy Riddle, Lew Geller, Dawn Hangen, Rich Christiansen, Tom Petrizzio and Norm Smith (sub); not shown Gary Forrest; back row: Josh Rabinowitz, Thom Zemke (sub), Jack Tanner, Chip Frohne, Terry Ranta, Manny Maciel, Jack Hogan, Nellie Shahon (sub) and Curt Chadwick
Rich Christiansen
PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association’s 2015-2016 league came to a rousing conclusion in a best two out of three playoff between first half lead Augies and second half lead Questar. A double header scheduled on March 30 included hard fought battles between the two teams showing great hitting and fielding action. The two closely contested games led to a one-one result and required a third and final match up on the next day.
A warm and sunny spring day brought out many fans and filled the stands to watch the season finale. Questar came out strong in the first inning with Augies as home team battling back. In the first few innings it was still anyone’s game to win. In the end though, Augies made a series of offensives plays bringing in more runs than Questar to win the day, playoffs and season.
Congratulations to the Augies and their team sponsor Augie’s Grill!