Tag: Senior Softball Association

Augie’s win 2015-2016 PCSSA League Championship

Front row: Sandy Riddle, Lew Geller, Dawn Hangen, Rich Christiansen, Tom Petrizzio and Norm Smith (sub); not shown Gary Forrest; back row: Josh Rabinowitz, Thom Zemke (sub), Jack Tanner, Chip Frohne, Terry Ranta, Manny Maciel, Jack Hogan, Nellie Shahon (sub) and Curt Chadwick

Rich Christiansen PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association’s 2015-2016 league came to a rousing conclusion in a best two out of three playoff between first half lead Augies and second half lead Questar. A double header scheduled on March 30 included hard fought battles between the two teams showing great hitting and fielding action. The two closely…

Miracle On Dirt – The Sequel

PebbleCreek’s “B” Division Team in support of the “C” Championship Team

Dan Rea Is it possible to witness a second miracle in a span of two years and can history repeat itself? The answer is a resounding yes. Two years ago up in the cool mountains of Pinetop, Arizona the first miracle on dirt occurred when the huge underdog PebbleCreek “C” Division (65 years of age…

PC Senior Softball 2nd half season events and results

The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association 2014-2015 season came to a successful conclusion in April. The team sponsored by Spooner Physical Therapy had won the first season half by a comfortable margin at 16 wins – 4 losses but was challenged in the second half by teams of Arizona Orthopedic, Osborne Jewelers and American Solar. Victory…

Robson’s “Field of Dreams” in peak condition

Those players who participated in the latest upkeep of the complex include, left to right: Vince Richey, Larry Tanner, Don Belonax, Steve Peterson, Bob Quarantino, Rich Christiansen, Lee Ayers, Lyman Rinehart (on tractor), Steffen Jacobson, Jim Beyers, Chuck Johnson, Jan Hangen and Director of Field Maintenance Doug Wainwright.

Lee Ayers Each month, on a Thursday afternoon at 4:00 p.m., volunteer members from each team in the PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association meet at the field to do the work it takes to keep the field and complex in top condition. A tractor is used to drag the field and players use rakes to smooth…